elaine layabout

right ... keep on makin' the world a better place!

i agree completely ... and if it sounded like i was dismissing beverly johnson, et al, as anything less than full-blown black and beautiful, it was not my intent ... my complaint is not with them, but with the fashion and entertainment industries' narrow definition of black beauty that, like their narrow definition of

that's funny ... the only people i ever hear saying things like that are 20-something one-percenter spawn who are posing as champions of the people ... you see, they can say those things because they have never seen a baby boomer parent lose a job in their fifties with zero prospects that they will ever get another

yes ... as i said, horses aren't necessarily bred to be consumed and, thus, their care is not regulated as such... and, as i noted, some of this horsemeat evidently came from the united states, where there are no controls on what they are fed or what drugs they are given, unless they are competitive sport horses ...

is your life made easier by your being ignorant?

for what it's worth, there are shitload of baby-boomers who have lost their jobs, their homes, and are barely scraping by, often with unemployed, grown children in tow ... so they are pretty up on the state of the economy

i remember back in the 90's, when alek wek hit the runways, and my thinking: this is it, the tipping point, the moment when black models no longer have to basically look like white women, only darker, the moment when everyone sees that blackness is haute beautiful, and not just an "exotic" novelty ... and i imagined

i am a vegetarian, too, so i don't get the difference ... but if i had to choose between consuming a creature that had spent its life grazing in a pasture and one that had spent its life being tortured on a factory farm, i'd go for the horse



moussa's castle, lebanon ... built by hand by one man, with each stone carved into a different pattern

the reality is that girls around the world have been encouraged and/or required to leave anything mechanical to the boys ... they grow up on baby dolls and glittery play cosmetics, while boys get transformers and play construction sets ... so, while what kathryn is doing would be impressive for your average 12 to

or necessarily provocative in response to the ubiquitous, oppressive, and downright dangerous "societal pressure on women to be pleasant"

like i said, i'm sure that men make genuine apologies all the time ... just not in my experience, whether in academia, the legal profession, the entertainment industry, or my own home ... and, time and again, male public figures offer i'm-sorry-if-anyone-was-offended non-apology ... not my experience with most women

despite being a hippie lunatic — well, actually, a pod mommy — i wish that i could buy this for my daughter, who spent her early years imagining that she was a my little pony ... and, having watched a family friend's video tapes of the original my little pony cartoons, she used to sing the "my little pony song" out of

exactly what i was thinking ... the odds of any two patients' nether regions being identically configured and groomed are probably pretty slim

alas, you've got two choices: a) find a practitioner, whether an ob/gyn, gp, or midwife, with whom you feel comfortable enough to be examined (you can even ask for a pre-exam sedative!), or b) risk an advanced medical condition that will have half the hospital up in your business

if i was a lawyer practicing in the state of maryland, i wouldn't hesitate to make such a case ... all of this man's patients are now subject to emotional distress (a civil matter), because they cannot know if their most intimate trust was violated and whether their bodies were used to gratify this man or others

"If someone cannot be identified, they can't very well make the case they were embarrassed or humiliated"

uhhhh ... i never said that men don't have a right to complain ... but they don't have the history to claim that they are similarly situated with women