elaine layabout

ooh, yes! name calling is soooo much more non-hypocritical than an ironic comment, with a caveat acknowledging the reality that not all men are the same, and praise of the article's subject, who happens to be a man

sniff ... i feel so bad ... really, all that men have endured because they have been subjugated to women ... denied the right to realize their potentials, to control their destinies ... battered and raped! oh, and don't even get me started on how they've been deprived of access to the public soapbox

hahaha ... given the massive, overwhelmingly-unknown nature of the universe and our rather small, often-impaired brains, i'm pretty sure this goes for all of us!

it was a fucking joke ... as in "jk", aka "just kidding" ... and i ended by THANKING salmon for his genuine, substantive apology ... something that i do, empirically, over a substantial lifetime, find very rare

uh ... you've heard of irony, right?

"I was wrong on the substance of what I said"

thanks for ruining the show for those of us who were working on sunday night!

i often speculate that the child who might have cured aids or malaria or cancer is going to bed, hungry and traumatized, in some war-/oligarchy-ravaged village ... and, sadly, he or she will never realize their potential

"I'd happily trade in 30 IQ points to be normal."

dinner was my first thought, too ... though i was imagining serving my more priggish friends thinly-sliced and grilled penis cross-sections, without saying a word

also: eat out less! because a lot of the contamination occurs during food prep ... something that you can control at home

while more people are sickened by contaminated produce, those sickened by contaminated meat are more likely to die

the quinoa story is frustrating, but there is some hope that progressive, andean-region leaders will find people-friendly ways to guide their countries through the commoditization of this staple ... most importantly, they need to prepare for the inevitable drop in prices (and the loss of new-found revenue) once global

given that the cla is mercedes' $30,000 attempt to go downmarket, this just feels like a ham-fisted attempt to appeal to the uncouth, male masses ... cos if you're not a 1%-er, you must be a total sucker for boobs, blonds, and high school jocks

thus solving world hunger

as far as i can tell, priests hate women period (well, except for that one who perved on me when i was 11 ... i think he kinda liked me)

the question is, are you willing to take the cut in pay, diminished opportunities, and unrelenting physical dangers that come with real life objectification ... and not just long enough to get a hard on, but for the rest of your fucking life?

yikes! it wasn't that big when i linked to it ... i swear!

the quote re adele is, with emphasis added: "And women no longer need to be beautiful in order to express their talent. Lena Dunham and Adele and Lady Gaga and Amy Adams are all perfectly plain, and they are all at the top of their field."