elaine layabout

you mean, i won the golden globe, multiple grammy awards, and dozens-upon-dozens of other shelf bling in spite of being a plain jane?!

maybe crate & barrel is trying to cash in on the stereotype of gay male perfectionism and posh taste ... maybe it is trying to lure gay men, perfectionist and otherwise, into buying its pasta paraphernalia ... or maybe it is just trying to be edgy by becoming one the first retailers to embrace gay relationships as

when my kid was little, it was great because it was a clean, safe amusement blowout ... just standing on the sidewalk is a hoot for her ... and if you stay in the park, you don't even have to strap them into a car seat for as long as you are there

awe, hell ... they should have just asked me ... i could use the job, and thanks to the wussiest stomach ever attached to an esophagus, i've splash patterned an average of once a week my entire life ... i could def up my output, given the right olfactory inducements ... church incense ... beets ... markers ... stale

oh, well, then you know the score

i am a woman living in a male-run world that is antagonistic to my nature, both basically-human and gender-specific, and if i thought like you, i would be idiotic

like i said, i don't think it's about this man being a martyr ... it's about strangers making the seemingly-impossible possible ... just like we would if holodecks were real

i never said that surgeons just want to cut people up, and of course, they cannot practically disclose every possible outcome ... but surgeons do have a problem-centered (as opposed to patient-centered) medical care mindset that is unfamiliar to most patients, and they do tend to gloss over even the most common

surgeons are notorious for not disclosing possible side effects that patients really need to be prepared for pre-op ... they are are just focused on fixing the problem at hand ... what happens afterward is not their problem

i didn't get the michael douglas/matt damon casting until i saw this ...

this story isn't just about one man's death ... it's about strangers showing generosity to a fellow human who, dying waaaay too young, dreamed of one last pleasure ... the kind of good fortune and kindness that we all might hope for in our last moments

too bad dan isn't alive to get schooled by you on how he isn't a real star trek fan

since no cosmetics are regulated by the fda, we spend whole lifetimes putting freaky-ass toxic chemicals on our hair/scalp, lips, and eyes ... potential dna damage from metallic nanoparticles is just more of the same

uh, this was a protest in response to a treatment of one breast-feeding woman who had been shopping there

in some societies, women's bare limbs have been sexualized ... so they are expected to cover them up, and there are an INSANE amount of things available for them to do so

well, isn't the control and regulation of women's bodily functions man biz?

god, i feel sorry for those women ... because a) they are very likely to be already suffering from the trauma of childhood abuse, and b) america is not going to give a crap

erm ... i didn't say men hated women feeding their children ... nor did the original poster

breastfeeding is a natural, healthy, and dignified human interaction ... it is patriarchy that renders it "insulting and degrading" by denigrating women and child rearing ... to attach such labels to it, and to order one's life accordingly, is to embrace the lie

if you honestly believe that this is just boys being stupid, you need to see a mental health professional asap ... these young men are sociopaths, and if you feel that you can rationalize or even understand their behavior, you may be a sociopath, too