elaine layabout

a paper has just been published on a study involving the brains of pro athletes and military veterans, and the conclusions are pretty devastating ... i heard one of the researchers talking about it on npr yesterday, and he emphasized that it's not about the number of concussions, but rather about a long-term history

to my mother's credit, once i told her that i would not barf on the table if she served me fresh veggies, she did ... well, at least steamed, frozen veggies ... and then she hooked up with a gourmet cook, and i went from waif to butterball in a year's time

well, thanks for taking my comment in the spirit in which it was intended ... i find the psychology today article interesting, but also kinda funny ... especially the bit about how "the dial doesn't necessarily stop at gay porn" ... round and round it goes, boys, and where it stops, nobody knows!

i do like fresh herbs, though ... especially the way that they are eaten in the middle east, where they'll serve you a platter with whole, fresh herbs that you can munch along with simple, roasted meats, fried potatoes, and stewed veggies ... and even when they are cooked into a dish, they are coarsely chopped, not

don't be coy, no matter how charmingly, progressively-feminized it may seem ... besides, i think i got a tiny aneurysm from straining to keep my mind from "going there" on the subject of boys and dirty socks

maybe you guys could find a few more members and go the circle jerk route ... cos straight guys are totally allowed to circle jerk

and here i was, feeling a little bedraggled and in need of a nice word! much thanks, lady

no, my being a girl and old habits being hard to break, i wanted you to feel extra manly ... so i credited you with large feet ... and you know what they say about the size of man's feet ...

come on, let's turn that frown upside down! just imagine the extra sense of accomplishment you will feel when earning your titties, beer, and man manna while pretending that you don't present a threat, having to be better than everyone else in the room, and putting everyone else's feelings first! it's a shame that

ooh ... you need this information: http://subspacecommunique.com/content/2009/10/20/2368-called-it-wants-its-padd-back-padding-your-kindle-pt-2

i am a former picky eater who all but starved as a kid ... forced to eat contaminated piles of canned mush, i would literally hurl at the dinner table ... and then, one day, i visited my grandmother and great aunts in a distant state ... they cooked everything simply, from scratch, without a lot of

hehe ... yeah ... that and the art of hair dressing

too bad my "manifest destiny" shirt from the gap doesn't have a pocket ... this would be a darling accessory to my insensitivity ensemble!

the only way to prove that you are clever and cool is to seize upon every opportunity to trivialize and denigrate others ... if you are a middle school douche, that is

my guess is that his "medical degree" is a phlebotomy certificate ... at least i hope it is, because if he is in any way responsible for someone's long-term emotional or physical care, they are in grave danger

the topper is that this dude's blog is entitled "the gift of ocpd: understanding how obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is a gift that just needs a little grace"

why is this not an e-book? how is an advanced human supposed to read it on their p.a.d.d.?

give this a spin ... http://www.design-lib.com/color_tool_mixer.php

i have followed, as much as i could stomach, your effort to take a nuanced approach to this story amongst neanderthals and know-it-alls ... i thought you might be interested in this article, as it suggests that dopamine agonists may accelerate a hypersexualization and proclivity-shifting process that has already been

oh, james, which is it gonna be? implosion or explosion? your confusion of the matter suggests to me that this is just another pick up line full of empty promises