elaine layabout

actually, gay porn is not the exclusive province of gay men ... frequent users of porn, regardless of sexual orientation, tend to move on to "forbidden", even frightening forms of porn, evidently because their brains have built up a tolerance for traditional stimuli, and they seek to recreate those initial,

blessings to you, dear ... you and your funny bone

yes ... i've always added booze to my sorbet ... it seems to make better ice crystals in a homemade sorbet sitch ... and i once had champagne sorbet as a between-course palate cleanser in a posh restaurant!

i'd say this coincidence is a good omen! best wishes to you and your partner

you claim to be all knowledgeable about the human animal, and yet you reduce us to mere biology ... if we were raised in isolation without benefit of human interaction, culture, or experience, perhaps we could be ... but we are not ... and, even if we were, our sexual biology is not some single toggle on/toggle off

how the hell do you know he isn't bisexual?! and who are you to say that a man who self-identifies as straight is wrong about his own sexuality?

please ... find your demons elsewhere

i didn't say that the guy didn't have a stronger, biologically-driven inclination toward homosexuality, cross-dressing, etc. ... i merely suggested that he might be bi enough that he could, while able to control his impulses, maintain a heterosexual lifestyle ... the explanation for his choice could be cultural

i get that ... but you left out the part about them actually referring to the cat as "tard" (perhaps you weren't aware of this?), which kind of makes the explanation irrelevant ... it's like me calling my cat "cunt" and then claiming it's an abbreviation of my kid's pronunciation/misspelling of "contessa"

teach dogs to scoop their own poop ... those puppies will fly off the shelves!

so people are either 100% gay or 100% straight? or could a person be somewhere in the middle of the spectrum — you know, BISEXUAL — and choose to live a straight lifestyle while controlling their gay impulses? then, once they lose their impulse control ...

well, hell, this is all too similar to be coincidence ... i kate starts chugging hot sauce, i'm writing a medical journal article on it ... we need a good name for the condition, tho

i suspect it's pretty rare, because babies go into distress and moms crash ... but i guess we'd both been hardened by our hyperemesis training

wow ... torture twinsies! interesting that you, too, craved spicy food, cos that's just counter-intuitive ... i would have expected us to eat wonderbread and bananas ... but maybe we were craving the vitamin c in peppers?

oh, man ... i had hyperemesis with my spawn ... spent months barfing every five minutes ... and the best part? i was in fucking law school ... the only way to get through a class was to have not so much as a sip of water in my stomach, which meant that i would get extremely dehydrated, which made me more nauseous,

this reminds me of my fav bathroom wall graffiti: "please, don't throw toothpicks in the toilet ... these crabs can pole vault"

evidently, not until someone posts pictures of a cat named "cuntessa", so named because their kid thought it looked very regal and didn't know the correct spelling of the word

regardless of the origin of her name, they call the cat "tard" for short ... you know, like, all the time ... and word has only one other usage that i know of, which is a slur used by dumbass kids and underdeveloped adults all over the united states ... though, perhaps, folks in arizona refer to their seafood

ah, the threat of torture is "a lot more common" than the threat of rape on "revolution" ... no biggie, so long as the rape threats aren't "constant and ceaseless"?

well, if you have a tattoo of the american flag, you def don't want to see it ... one of those will get you shot with a gun you're not allowed to own ... ugh