elaine layabout

it makes me heartsick to think of him dying in terror and surely knowing that it was because of his skin color ... and then his parents had to listen to all the lies ...

not if you broke into zimmerman's house and stole one and took a dump on his bed before you left ... but then you'd have to touch something that he had touched and you'd never really be able to wash off the stink of evil

he has feet?

ah ... makes me think of the ultimate kid expression of rage and disgust: biting ... if i could bite the shit out of some murdering bigot, i'd feel much better

this'll have to do for now

all along there was a word! and it has its own wikipedia page!

stop the world, i want to get off

perfect ... i ent able with this

ooh ... can we make up a word?

a german word would be good ... something that like "disconsolate", but since its in german, i'll sound angry when i say it

does anyone know a word — any language will do — that describes "a bone-weariness born of perpetual rage, disgust and sadness"? cos that's what i'm feeling, and my vocabulary, despite its relative richness, has failed me

well, now i'm really confused ... if the X is your signature, then the O is your kiss? where does the hug come in? how did the X become the kiss? or was the X always the kiss, and you have yet to trivial pursuit us an explanation for the hug? how the hell do expect me to sign a business e-mail now?

no his heart does not belong to me ... and i would willingly free him if his love went elsewhere ... i just hope it does not

there are those who say jumping up and down after intercourse to prevent conception makes sense, too ... but, elena dear, the only girls who kiss with o-shaped mouths are blow up dolls

this is what comes of abstinence-only correspondence instruction

oh, don't get me wrong ... close friendships are essential ... my man and i could not survive each other without them ... he'd prefer, however, that i not wake him up at 3 am cackling over the phone with one of my boy buds, whom he knows that i love, just not in a

all i know is that, if your guy is half as honest and thoughtful as you, AND he's attractive and successful, i might have to write a screwball, romantic comedy about you ... you come from different worlds ... you love each other crazy ... there are comical miscommunications, deriving mostly from you guys trying so

i agree 100%

reading comprehension issues? did you miss that parts where i said i was talking exclusively about my own experience of sexual monogamy, acknowledged that i am not normative, and expressly refused to advocate my views to others? surely you missed the parts where i embraced emotional monogamy and, understanding that

hey, i can be just as possessive and fearful as the next girl ... but when i stop and think about it, possessiveness and fear just don't jive with love