elaine layabout

i just posted it two days ago, having no clue that it was out there in the general consciousness ... i've been following frans de waal for a decade, and the video is a year old, but i have never met anyone who knew who he was, his theories, or that his branch of primatology even exists!

so long as we are re-reading, why don't you re-read pennywhite's response to you ... http://jezebel.com/5963848/?post=54680119

wow ... i've been reading frans de waals' work for a decade, and no one ever knows who the hell i'm talking about!

what a funny coincidence! i posted a link to this video here on jez two days ago, while extolling the virtues of my imaginary boyfriend frans de waal

"When it comes to people who have no voice, we are OBLIGATED to be the keepers of their dignity" ... i think i've found my next tattoo

have you ever hung with any homeless people? do you assume that they are too stupid to recognize when they are being used? or do you think them so inured to being looked down upon and laughed at that they won't care?

yes, this ... thank you

making people — the most downtrodden and demoralized among us — the butt of a joke isn't cruel? taking degrading pictures of them isn't cruel?

in most cases, i would assume that the profit motive trumps all ... and this is certainly what's going on among the elite, corporate puppets of the u.s. congress ... but this is mississippi

no, there was never a golden age when kids weren't under threat ... but i wish i was growing up today ... at least i'd have access, via the internet, to some survival information

"if lawmakers are so concerned with protecting women, perhaps they should work on the state's sky high obesity rate, pathetically low education and high poverty rates"?

ah, yes, the power of that phrase "politically correct" ... by turning social consciousness into a derogatory term, dicks like this can trumpet their marginalization of and cruelty toward others with pride ... it's just shits and giggles, folks!

yes, please

aw ... congratulations! and ... uh ... good luck ... cos the puking and bladder crushing and rib bursting aside, they are a lot lower maintenance in utero

so republicans have finally found a way to force gay people to marry someone of the opposite sex, by making gay immigrants choose between love and a green card

depending upon one's ability to remain physically comfortable (i faced a stretch of nine 100+ degree days with no a/c), the gestational period of a human fetus can feel like a mind-blowingly long time ... i never had $1,200 to burn, but if i had had the cash around month eight, i might have demanded to see the little

nice to hear ... feeling winnerish ... much thanks

when nbc told scarlett she could have the job when al retires, they had no idea just how "enthusiastic" she was

i would add that there is clear intent here to racially caricature ... why else are the lips on the "black" model exaggerated in exactly the same way that the minstrels did with their black face?

not just a color swap ... the lips on the blackface version are enlarged