hasselbeck calling chris brown's tweets any kind of rape, it seems to me, is just another insensitive, right-wing trivialization of actual rape ... what is wrong with those people?!
hasselbeck calling chris brown's tweets any kind of rape, it seems to me, is just another insensitive, right-wing trivialization of actual rape ... what is wrong with those people?!
but i wasn't traditionally beautiful! yes, i did have a gift for posing with my painterly mind's eye, but it didn't matter that anyone else thought i looked beautiful in a painting, it only mattered that i thought i looked beautiful
remember the good ol' days ... when twenty-something starlets always went for the middle-aged men who actually looked old enough to be their fathers? it's because they were men of the world, dontchaknow, as demonstrated by their ability to order a proper martini and send a suit out for cleaning
because their owners and directors grease the palms and/or politically support the officials who make the decisions about who runs the prisons and what constitutes a jailable offense, and in some cases, who gets sentenced to jail
yeah, back in the 70s and 80s, women had zip control over the production of porn ... now many of them make their real coin producing their own products and running their own websites ... and while there are surely still some women who are having their past victimization exploited, with no control over the process,…
the lauderdale county juvenile center in meridian is a private company ... color me not fucking surprised
there are plenty of women who are the ideal but who have low self esteem
finally, a reason to appreciate my man-sized mitts
this one is my favorite ... i don't think you could even fit girl junk in it
having slept with men who were lame in bed, i cannot imagine waiting to find out about one's sexual compatibility until after making a lifetime, religious commitment, or even an emotional commitment ... i respect holyfield's right to make this choice, and i would never support pressuring someone into sex, but her…
the fact remains that, since drug use is not localized, hiv education needs to be universal ... and it is unfair to blame the need for broader hiv education on the liberation of prostitutes from their whore houses ... this article, and the one on which it is based, suggests that everything was hunky dory and localized…
mcgrumpy ... is that you?
i knew it! sea slugs have souls!
i must admit that i breathed an extra sigh of relief on nov 7th ... one was for the president's reelection, but the other, bigger one was for his and his family's surviving to election day ... the campaign season was nerve wracking, because after republicans ratcheted up the obama/race hate during their primary, i was…
aka "the crack spider's bitch"!
haven't seen it, but i'll look for it ... thanks!
now you, too, can give my fav back-handed compliment: "nice web, mister crack spider"!
although the idea of animal animal husbandry does tickle me (and let's give credit here the aphid-herding ants), in this case i suspect that the leopard, being young herself, just wanted to play and, once the baby started responding positively to its attentions, it decided to keep it around
hmmm ... animal husbandry ... that definitely trumps chimps fishing for feral termites with a stick
you're gonna want to make sure you're alone before hitting play