elaine layabout

yes, the significance of this country's financial center and federal government does not extend beyond the alleghenies ... and as for whether thousands of our fellow americans lose their homes and/or their lives, well ... if they don't live in my state, i don't really care

fill your bathtub with water! bottled water goes really fast, and you're not going to want to waste it on toilet flushing

if i spin some arab strap or leonard cohen, somebody's gettin' laid

what a colossal ego!

i've tried to ignore your "your rape is immaterial to the discussion", because it's so mind-blowingly offensive, but here's a clue, sparky: my rape is a hell of a lot more relevant to a discussion about women's experience of rape than your non-experience-based assumptions that reporting rape is not that big a deal

why should the welfare of a child and his siblings be dependent upon his mother demonstrating that she is not a slut?! is the child of consensual sex and his siblings any less needing and deserving of sustenance than a child born of rape? do you really want to live in a country where, not just 1 in 4, but 1 in more

the world is full of women making babies under non-ideal conditions ... living in stressful environments ... drinking contaminated water and breathing foul air ... eating corporate-farmed, corporate-concocted foods with unknown health ramifications ... dodging bullets on their doorsteps

get back to me after you've been raped, okay? ideally after you've been raped by someone in your community whose family has influence over your life, and make sure that you are young and must face a police force of persons of the opposite sex

hey, einstein, read the damn article — you know, the one you are commenting on — which informs you that "54 percent of rapes and sexual assaults are not reported to the police", for reasons that have nothing to do with the victims' character or veracity ... i know i didn't, because i was fucking terrified of my

"low income women in many states have access to cheap or free birth control"

so, if a pregnant woman cannot prove she was raped, she does not receive assistance for that child and must raise it and any existing children on sub-subsistence funds? in other words, her existing children will be punished because she is a whore?

hehe ... i've never heard of another rogue sleeper!

my podunk seventh grade class had 12 girls in it, and i think we all managed to do the pull ups ... probably because we were terrified of the boy's coach and, just for that portion of the test, he was brought in to "coach" us through it ... failure was not an option ... besides, we were all freakishly fit, since in

Now playing

and if god's "plan" scares or hurts you, try humming this tune

i guess hustler mag doesn't realize that they don't need to get consent from or compensate models for their website ... because, according to reddit, you are allowed to profit from using sexualized, unauthorized images of someone, so long as you get a "contributor" to post it ... but the real freebie is that you get

oh, lordy ... it's not even a trump reveal ... it's a challenge to the president to make his academic and passport records public, in exchange for a $5m donation to charity

in response to one mother's homophobic remark, i informed the other parents on the playground at my daughter's kindergarten that, despite her apparent flaming heterosexuality, i was raising her as if she might be gay ... if she was one of nature's 10%, i didn't want her to grow up alienate from or hating herself ...

a dun-dun-dun divorce revelation from thrice-married donald trump?!

this same group — the illinois family institute — has had a busy, hate-filled year ... they also managed to derail passage of a state-wide anti-bullying bill on the grounds that it was unnecessary and it would create an anti-christian environment by exposing kids to beliefs other than their own ... little "christians"

you asserted that a woman wearing makeup "communicates a sort of insecurity" ... in response to that assertion, i pointed out that there are reasons other than insecurity that women wear makeup ... no thin air whatsoever