elaine layabout

fyi, there are many reasons why women wear makeup ... in professional, situations, makeup can be as expected as men's ties or facial hair grooming ... then, of course, there are the social conventions shaped by every magazine, movie and tv show a woman watches (if the media presents us with a "natural" woman, chances

i might chalk this up as every-life-is-sacred consistency if this fuck didn't also oppose birth control, and if his ilk gave a shit about every life once it's out of a uterus ... if you want to prevent the thwarting of god's will to create life, then don't prevent or impede women's access to birth control — if god

just like pulling our pigtails was a way to force us to interact with them in elementary school, this meme is an awkward boy effort to get us to yell at them and, ideally, return to their coed gyms ... cos it's hard for a guy to pump iron without some chick rhythmically flashing her crotch on the thigh abductor ...

we should be grateful to professor maestripieri ... 'cause sometimes we forget that, no matter how accomplished or meaningfully engaged in the world we may be, we gals are put on this earth to service penises ... and if we fail to please said penises, we should feel too ashamed to leave the house ... we certainly

aw, hell, i've been doing this what-womenz-want-from-men thing all wrong! i didn't know that our only two choices were alan alda and john wayne, so i've wasted so many years looking for an elvis costello

it's the difference between outing someone based solely upon information given out by a dubious "anonymous" youtube channel and using your real name to out someone based upon independent research and even an admission from the outee ... there was no possibility of naming the wrong guy in the michael brutsch article

how do you run several businesses and run for office multiple times and run the freaking olympics "without forming the acquaintance of - or even awareness of - any women qualified to serve at cabinet level"?

i can't decide which is more sexist: a man who has run multiple businesses and multiple political campaigns and the freakin' olympics but doesn't already know any women qualified to be in his governor's cabinet, or a presidential candidate who makes up such a story, thinking that it will make him appealing to women

it may be YOUR nature to bully, but it's not everyone's ... and YOU are the one who's in a dream world, where you wish bullies could to steal other people's candy and call them "fat" without repercussions

oh, jez, you disappoint me! gawker's michael brutsch piece was excellent, because it was investigated by the writer, who went so far as to get an admission from violentacrez/michael brutsch himself ... but here? have you independently verified any of the information provided by a blatantly inconsistent "anonymous"

dang! i missed this one last time i was at the gap ... was it on the same rack with the "WHITE POWER" shirts? i need to know, because i think it would sooo hot with my navajo hipster panties from urban outfitters

oh, winnie, "if you live to be 100, i hope i live to be 100 minus 1 day, so i never have to live without you"!

haha! this woman only hangs out with her own kind and doesn't realize that not all women are mean and hateful!

my first thought exactly ... my second was my shame at realizing that, in a country with universal education and one of the world's highest standards of living, we look up to lindsays, while afghans, despite the danger, look up to malala

this ballot initiative has nothing to do with the morality or social engineering of the hays code, because unlike curse words and mixed-race relationships, stds are a health issue ... and, fyi, people will still be getting naked and fucking in porn if the initiative passes, so any moral purpose you imagine is, well,

doubt whatever you like, but the people of california will vote, and they may very well do so in the accordance with the advice of the many public health organizations that are supporting this initiative ... and if they do, their vote will likely pass muster with the courts on public health grounds, just like the

it's probably his "camel through the eye of a needle" jazz that really cheeses them off ... but he wasn't the only one to give the "do to others as you would have them do to you" talk ... mark & luke probably don't get top fundie billing, either

uh, i never mentioned 'moral obligations' ... don't know who you are quoting there ... but i do know that depictions of alcohol, drug and cigarette use are regulated for health reasons, not moral ones, and whether or not this particular ballot measure succeeds, i'm pretty sure that the porn industry is headed in that

what really kills me is that the christian mythological tract is quite clear in its admonition that we should "judge not, lest ye be judged"

look, i will happily be the first person to sit here and bash christians ... i am fucking sick to death of them ... but there are degrees of extremism in all religions ... and i sure as hell would rather have, for instance, 1960's era catholicisim in this country, when jfk and the church went to great lengths to