elaine layabout

dear 15 yr old self, stop being so fucking nice to people! they'll just want more and more, wear you out, and use your gently-bowed head as a stepping stone to get what you were working so hard to reach

hehe ... i just saw nofx at riot fest in chicago ... they made fun of me for being in a wheel chair ... but, hey, i wasn't at a john mayer concert, so i'm at peace with it

law and order is the twilight zone of the 90's/2000's/2010's ... only without the humanity and wit

the nfl gave us arian foster in spite of itself

okay ... so i'm still kinda behind the auction ... even though $3 mil over 4 yrs is shameful ... i'll bet there are individual players who've given more to a cause than that

aw, crap ... when i heard that the nfl was autographing and selling pink game gear, i said to my breast-aware man: "what a great idea! instead of just using pink to shill products, they're adding value first, so they're making more money for sick boobies!"

i appreciate the "reassurance" ... no taser for now

i can't bring myself to read the book, but is it the sort of thing that might leave real people, not just svu characters, thinking that "no" actually means "yes, please, and make it hurt"?

if that's his "heavy lifting face", i shudder to think what his "husbandly duty" face looks like

please, oh superiorly decent one, google the meaning and purpose of "black humor" ... but, please, do not lecture me about "real" problems until you've walked a dark street or corporate hallway in my flattering-but-not-too-threatening stilettos

on my first "big girl" job, i worked with a woman named "bettye", who had grown up in rural, segregated, still-lynching mississippi ... she was unfailingly professional, dedicated to her work, and just plain effective, but what really struck me was her "dirty old man" laugh, for which i was often the catalyst ... i

actually, it's an oppressed group of people using black humor to fucking cope with an unjust and abusive world run by another group that is so insecure they are terrified of competing on a level playing field ... and, sorry news for you: we are the majority

either the photog crew was pulling a fast one on ryan, flattering him into portraying himself as a gun-flashing dufus, or they were pulling a fast one on we the american people by turning a pathologically bigoted and dishonest narcissist into a harmless-looking village idiot

or we could elect more women to office? they are usually less ignorant about what it's like to run the rape gauntlet every day of your life, not to mention what it's like to balance the competing social demands that one be a vixen and a virgin, all while being patronized and disregarded

an articulate and powerful woman is a bogan?! or is ”bogan” just your code for ”uppity sheila”?

i heart this so hard!

damn, the women of the world continue to amaze me ... and they remind me how lucky we american females are that all we have to do to secure our rights is get our asses to the polls and vote ... yeah, i live in a baddass neighborhood in chicago, where election-day gunfire is is distinct possibility, but at least the

neither your citing of child marriage stats from afghanistan — excuse me, the "islamic republic of afghanistan" — nor your canadian anecdote lend any more validity to your assertion that "While Islam is not the only culture that allows it (even when it enacts laws against it), it is the largest global populace that

no, i'm not a better person, just further down the road than you ... and, for all my perspective, i still feel "i hope somebody assaults him with his own severed bits" rage ... how could i not? a huge part of my life was stolen for me before it had ever begun (my rapist asked me if i was a virgin before he raped me,

well, don't let facts slow you down