elaine layabout

according to the international center for research on women, there is no dominant religious affiliation when it comes to child brides ... child marriage does, however, correlate with poverty and low levels of development, and is concentrated among the poorest households in the poorest countries ... and most child

well, you know, women could get into cars with guys they don't know if parents start teaching their boys to respect women and other human types ... then again, it would be so much easier just to require young women to wear burkas in public and/or ban them from drinking in public unless in the company of a male spouse

well, i just assumed that the original poster was referring to contemporary societies where pedophilia is not legal or accepted outside of the pedo community, since the question was about the possibility of future acceptance of pedophilia

oh poop, no hashtag ... you are a big boy, aren't you?

of course mitt romney wouldn't want to talk to a bunch of strangers' kids ... he is the poster boy for the patriarchal, nuclear family, and if you are not of his seed, you can just go to bed hungry, go to war, and go to your grave without ever having an opportunity to realize your full potential ... and if he says he

and he just got even smaller!

only on a good day, my dear ... but much thanks

this wasn't a survey of female voters but of female politicians ... i'm pretty sure that liberal politicians are more likely to come from humble backgrounds ... that's certainly the case here in the state of illinois

is this truly all the obama campaign has got?!

liquid nitrogen is a bad thing, because it freezes flesh on contact ... nitrogen gas, however, is not ... so the cocktail preparer should not serve until all the liquid nitrogen has evaporated, which it does almost instantly at room temp

as a woman, i agree ... pm gillard's speech transcends politics ... it makes me stand a little taller today, knowing that this fierce, smart image of a woman is out there in the world, countering all the degrading and unrealistic images of women we see every hour of every day

alas, american hypocrisy makes your opposition leader look like a stand up guy ... but whether we are americans or aussies, i think we should stop using the term "same-sex marriage" if what we mean to support is "marriage equality" ... we need to make it clear to our leaders, whether they be hypocritical, ignorant, or

no ... hell no!

i've spent most of my adult life not making a peep about my abuse ... and then one day i saw that that was just another submission to my abuser ... and every time i mention him, i feel him growing smaller and smaller in my mind ... to the point where i can see men like him, jerry sandusky, and your father as more

it saddens me that i live in a society where the prevalence of prison rape is openly and gleefully embraced ... but then i remember the appalling childhood sexual abuse statistics in this country, and i wonder: how many of those reveling in the possibility that jerry sandusky will be raped in prison are themselves


well, that's a stumper! you begin your comment with "I wish you were right but I don't think you are" and then make vague, non-substantive claims about "the feminist movement", and you wonder why people don't respond with "let's talk"?

i never said she did

i think you need to do a jez search on the slate tag ... shitloads of links to/promotions of slate articles, even on women's ishoos

thank you!