elaine layabout

her overarching belief, however, was in the "virtue" of selfishness ... if you have to be pro-choice one day and anti-choice the next in order get ahead and screw others over, go for it!

and this atheist really, really wishes that her fellow citizens would require their leaders to match their actions to their words ... if they profess to be inspired by christian or progressive or libertarian philosophies, then their policies should reflect that (and, messrs paul, they should not seek to use government

it's scary to think of owning a vagina during a romney/ryan regime, but if that vagina happens to be gay? well, you'd have to be a masochist to stick around

yes, in late april, ayn rand worshiper and advocate ryan did claim to reject her "atheist philosophy" ... but has he since altered a single "unchristian" aspect of his rand-inspired budget plan?

wow ... i was willing to defer to your superior nature, and then this ... all i can think is that you might want to up the dosage of your meds, because your paranoia and grandiose thinking are glaringly out of control

the girls of delhi charter school won't have to worry about getting pregnant if they just remember the rule: "birth control tomorrow and birth control yesterday—but never birth control today" ... oh, and they should keep an aspirin between their knees at all times

we'd have to have the 3-second memory spans of goldfish not to pick up on the fact that a lot of ignorance and cruelty is aired on the internet ... but that doesn't mean we have to quietly accept it ... we can push back ... and, sometimes, our pushing back causes enough of a ruckus that meaningful public dialogue is

yes, dana, some women who experience dysmenorrhea (excessive menstrual pain) and menorrhagia (excessive menstrual bleeding) have underlying, treatable conditions, like your endometriosis ... but not all ... and, while some women with no identifiable underlying condition that explains their pain or excessive bleeding

while a woman contented with living a traditional homemaker's life might not notice the cultural misogyny that surrounds her — like you might not feel the confining nature of a wall if you never bump into it — such a woman would have to be pretty damned oblivious of what's going on around her, given the semi-regular

i'm not talking about women contentedly sitting in their own boats ... i'm talking about women who feel the need to say "we don't need feminisim, because we are already free and equal" or, worse, join in the feminazi/man-hater bashing ... and they do this despite the fact that women are, statistically, treated

golly ... thanks for coming along and setting me straight ... i mean, my response was prompted by a lifetime of study, experience, and passionate beliefs, but if you say i'm just "trolling" and "wish to inflame", you must be right ... 'cause you self-proclaimed "even-keeled jezzies" are obviously superior creatures,

i actually appreciated this commercial, because of the dignified way the boy was shot ... i mean, outside of biggest looser, we usually see overweight people run for comedic effect, giving school bullies and "superior" skinny people license to laugh ... but nothing about this commercial is an invitation to laugh ...

since about 40% of mba seekers are women, but only 16% of fortune 500 board members are women, and even fewer corporate officers are women, some gals are going to left out in the cold, unless they network across gender lines

may i suggest that we liberate pussy riot first, so that they can make our propaganda videos?

the life of self-reliance and hard work that you describe, in my mind, is quintessentially feminine and powerful, not to mention one with which i identify ... i've never known a man who could juggle as many balls ... and it proves the patriarchal lie of feminine weakness and dependence ... so, i cannot imagine a true

and ain't that one of the great things about being a woman ... we can do anything, butch or fem, and still not worry about losing our gender identity? my mother went to work every day in steel-toed boots, a navy blue, mechanic's uniform, and an impeccably-kept beehive do ... i don't think she ever felt "unfeminine"

getting lazy? au contraire ... you are getting liberated!

and to think there were times, as far back as the 1870's and as recent as the 1970's, when we women burned our corsets and bras to liberate ourselves from the restrictions of patriarchy ... we gave up pseudo footbinding by exchanging high heels for sensible flats ... we even let down our hair and/or adopted boy

well, for centuries the clergy did maintain that thwarting the pain of childbirth was thwarting His will, but contemporary, fundamentalist christians have found a very clever way to do whatever the hell they want by arguing "god put it in man's mind to create painkillers, so painkillers are a-okay with god" ...

funny how a standard of discourse so perfectly jives with your standard of discourse ... but guess what ... my standard of discourse is a standard of discourse, too! I like to call it ”i refuse to say please and thank you 'cause i ain't asking for my rights, i'm demanding my rights, motherfucker” discourse ... it's a