elaine layabout

well, the commandments do prohibit one from coveting thy neighbor's house, wife, male servant, female servant, ox, donkey, or anything else that belongs to thy neighbor ... and i'm pretty sure that female child comes after male child, which comes after donkey on the list of things men own ... so pastor schaap has

like i said, you are free to criticize whomever you like, but you cannot expect me or lindy or any other "rude" girl here to want to meet your standards of discourse ... not in a world where we cannot even get our makeup right (too much, you are a whore! too little, you're a slouch or, worse, want to be a man!) ....

our last president invaded iraq not knowing that there are different kinds of muslims living there and that generally iran-leaning shi'a are in the majority ... to all too many americans, other is just other ... any muslim is a terrorist ... any black man is a gangster ... and any of the world's asians wears a tunic

you know, this might not be the best time to prov that our vaginas are stupid and don't have our best interests at heart ... next thing you know, some republican congressman will be writing legislation requiring us to get trans-vag ultrasounds before we are allowed to watch sports on teevee

so malcolm x should have just shut up? his views were invalid because they weren't in line with and parsed like mlk's?

never said you didn't ... just suggested that you focus on that, given that women are already scrutinized over every detail of their lives, their comportment, and their appearance in an impossible-to-please way that men aren't ... but if you want to bash women for not responding appropriately, or in a way that you

hey, how about we stop mistreating and suppressing women ... then, poof! no more bitchy feminists to worry about!

i'll go sit in the corner with lindy ... and when i know how to ask nicely, with the proper amount of respect, maybe i can have my equal rights and cookies

sheesh ... i wasn't going to say "straw man" in a discussion about feminism! i intentionally chose a gender-neutral term, even if it isn't the top google search result

yes, just as i choose to support "marriage equality" over "gay marriage", i would like tell the world that, when i object to the unequal and abusive treatment of women, i am being an "equal rightist" ... the problem is that the label "equal rights movement" is already taken, and that movement did little more than jack

but no one here is saying that feminism is about hating men ... that's a right wing straw horse

yeah, why shouldn't all women be contented to be married to houses and put their husband's and children's interests above their own? if they live their lives without personal satisfaction and if society misses out on their other talents, no biggie ... it's not like they're full-blown human beings

and just think of all the pleasant lunches mlk and his crew ruined by rudely insisting upon sitting at the "whites only" lunch counter ... then there were those college students who so thoughtlessly stood in front of the national guard's guns at kent state ... we had to see that on teevee! and don't even get me

i just think that calling some women good feminists and others bad feminists is like saying "mlk was a better civil rights advocate than malcolm x" ... oppression unleashes all sorts of animals ... some are fluffy bunnies ... some are majestic unicorns ... and some are tasmanian devils ... but the acerbic response, no

ugh ... youthful indiscretion in print!

here's the thing ... not all women, like not all men, are "nice" ... some are rude, and have big mouths, and speak in ways that some people think are "unfeminine" ... and i embrace them, if only because i have, in the workplace and at school and even in my own home, seen women continually held to the "nice" standard

let me get this straight ... some of lindy's readers are free to post "honest critiques" in a "highly public forum", but other readers are not free to post "honest critiques" to those critiques?

"Like the blog I read of women wishing rape on other women who they felt weren't fighting male oppression enough."

there are women who "call themselves feminists because they think all men are evil, raping dick-weeds"? in all my years of fem lit and feminist legal theory study, i've never met one, though i've met plenty of women who object to women being unable to defend themselves against men's abuses because their cultures and

yeah, people whose inequality is systemically entrenched should know better than to be uppity ... keep your eyes down, girl, and mind your manners ... and maybe, just maybe, the masters will let you keep your clit