and all i took away from downton abbey was a belief that war is kind of awesome, because it turns rich assholes into charitable, selfless lovers
and all i took away from downton abbey was a belief that war is kind of awesome, because it turns rich assholes into charitable, selfless lovers
gabby doing the dougie was pretty damned cute ... and refreshing to see one of those little fembots have a dorky, spontaneous moment
i guess i will ... but i kind of feel bad ... i've often thought that scent users were just body phobic or duped into thinking that they needed to smell like flowers ... but, judging from some of the other women's comments, i guess there's a rough flipside to not having a smell ... so dab, slather, and spray on,…
i am me-e-e-e ... only autotuned
will these findings bother romney's constituency? probably not, not so long as he is running against a black, kenyan muslim
interesting, since although i am not east asian, i do have native american blood
well, i did used to worry that something was wrong with me ... but my research has failed to uncover whether smelling faintly of ivory soap, even when really sweaty, is a known disease symptom ... maybe i'm a pod girl and the aliens got the girl b.o. detail wrong
i've been boycotting nestle my whole life ... ever since i learned about 3rd-world babies dying because of their hardcore campaign to encourage women to choose nestle formulas over breastfeeding, even though most 3rd-world mothers only have access to contaminated drinking water with which to mix the formula ... so…
and what about the costs, fiscal and social, of women being forced to bear children against their wills? if a woman is already a mother barely managing to feed her existing children, who but taxpayers will have to pick up the burden of the additional child? if a woman is young, and instead of getting an education or…
hehe ... i thought of jbg when i discovered that my hound dog has no scent ... i named her "ruby" but would have called her "grenouille" had i known
unfortunately, a shitload of tax payer dollars have been spent, and will be spent, in this attempt to deprive women of their constitutionally-protected right to terminate their pregnancies ... i wonder how many living children could have been fed, housed, and educated with those funds?
all my life, even strangers have remarked that i smell really good ... but i don't use perfume or heavily-scented soaps ... i don't even bother wearing deodorant any more
our planet is on the brink of no longer being able to sustain life ... we slave our precious lives away but still cannot meet our basic needs or achieve any security ... and the robber barons keep getting away with murder
it's like having a car race in which everyone must follow the same rules and have the same rules applied to them, but the drivers of color get shitty cars and start the race 3 miles back ...
it's not enough for most white people to enjoy the fruits of generations of privilege, you gotta be nice to them ... but maybe you should ask your "friends" to consider how shit like that gets said about and to people of color every day of the lives, and it don't come with any perks
not to mention that there will be absolutely no hope of their ever finding a living wage job ... despair really gets folks riled up
don't forget that the sub-human living conditions in "the heg" should then be blamed upon it's white residents ... people of color can roll by and cluck their tongues, bemoaning the fact that "white people are dirty and just don't like nice things"
great idea! let's declare a level playing field, ignoring the fact that the players of color, by and large, aren't even on the fucking field, that they don't have the equipment they need to play the game, and that the referees are heavily dominated by those "fringe racists" ... and if any of the black players manage…
what, no spurious genetic research studies proving that white people are inferior? if you can come up with some of those, you can tell whites that their subjugation and denigration aren't racist, just "the natural order" of things ... it will really fuck with their heads and get more delicate-sensibilitied poc on…