elaine layabout

you may think you know what the fuck your are talking about, but if you think that my taking objection to your blaming heaven's mother for her death is mere "political correctness", you don't ... understandable, since you consider "statistics" — you know, facts — to be irrelevant

yeah, tell that to the parents of the 1-year-old shot in march while playing outside, with her mother, at 3:30 in the afternoon ... or the parents of the 1-year-old shot in the head by a stray bullet in april while sleeping in her bed ... or the parents of the 7 year old shot less than a day later while playing in

it's funny how people who don't live in the kind of neighborhood where heaven lived and died think that they are experts on raising a child there, so expert in fact, that they have the nerve to blame heaven's mother for her child's death

oh, well, then let's put those tears away! get out the pitchforks and go see heaven's mother!

also a chicagoan, eh? do you live in one of those neighborhoods where little girls are locked up inside until mommy comes home from work, and you cannot go and play until after dinner, and where you jump at the chance to be out and free whenever there are a bunch of neighbors out (as there were in this instance),

there is a difference between legal personhood and life ... lots of things are alive, but they are not persons ... and the rights that legal personhood grants must always be balanced ... your right to live, for instance, may be limited by my right to use violence in order to survive an assault by you ... and in the

20 soulless seconds ... and i am burning with desire to punch that dude in his scrawny, white chest

great, jez ... you've spilled the beans, and now we sisters are going to have to kill you, kill you all

as a childhood rape survivor, it's really hard for me to assume anything about the people who are making these jokes ... i would never repeat one, in part because i don't think rape is ever funny, but also because i do find most of them to be insulting to gay people ... i can, however, understand why a victim of

absolutely ... i think the most helpful advice is "be prepared to be unprepared" ... that and "trust your instincts" ... you, your baby, and your environment make up an utterly unique situation ... baby books and grandmas may offer some good ideas, but they cannot be authoritative about your circumstances ... so you

well ... when i a was a little catholic school girl, and my boyfriends wanted to put their "down theres" in my "down there", i told them "no", because they could give me hpv and, some day, that hpv could give me cancer ... then the doctors would have to take out my lady parts and i could no longer be an effective

well, if you find out why, i'd love to hear

yeah it does, given that louisiana, mississippi, and alabama only get 3 nautical miles and there's gold in them there waters

states have no authority beyond 3 nautical miles, except that the jurisdictions of texas and florida extend for 9 nautical miles off of their gulf coasts

for what it's worth, while i was screaming like a banshee on day two, all i could think was "WHY DIDN'T SOMEONE WARN ME?!" ... it would have been nice to go into the situation expecting a possible mind fuck ... i would have had lower expectations

in my experience, starting in my formative years with my own parents, an unemployed man is a very different creature than an unemployed woman ... perhaps because of social pressure to be, not just breadwinners, but hot-shit breadwinners, men can go to pieces and end up lying on the couch whining ... women tend to do

i was ready and fearlessly willing to get my kid the hell out of me, but my labor lasted 68 1/2 hours ... maybe it was the "watched pot" effect ... well that, and the fact that they had me push too soon, my cervix swelled up, and i had to wait for the swelling to go down before i could push again

given that many footloose-and-fancy-frees get unchaste with the ball-and-chained because they are married and, thus, unavailable for entanglement, i'm thinking this ring is gonna backfire ... and with the sorts of side nookies who are looking for love but melt for the old "my spouse doesn't understand me" line, this

it's time for an abortion underground railroad ... oh, and for the women of mississippi to keep an aspirin between their knees until their right full access to medical care is restored ... just let these self-righteous dicks keep their sacred sperm to themselves

yesterday on gawker, someone "replied" to one of my comments with the one-off monicker "BeLessLameElaine" ... and because the new commenting system is so awesome, i couldn't make it go away ... i guess it's a good thing that following a comment thread has become so difficult, because few, if any people, saw the comment