elaine layabout

i'm sure you don't need me to tell you that there is more to being a good soldier than brute strength ... a good soldier needs endurance, the ability to handle prolonged stress, and the temperament to make correct life-and-death decisions under fire ... in those areas women surpass men ... they are also far less

you must not have met any of the girls in my tough, inner city neighborhood ... they've been negotiating a war zone all their lives, and the notion that keeping them from exercising their right to full citizenship by serving in the military will keep them safe is a myth

while individual commanding officers may require those serving under them to adhere to a stricter standard, the afi's only requirement regarding alcohol and utility uniforms is:

yeah ... education ... the empowerment of women ... opportunities for families that don't require that they have as many bodies as possible, shoulder to the wheel, to survive

here's the thing ... military regs, and the military biography, have been constructed around male physiology and traditional male roles in the family ... and, for men, separating work and family is a lot easier ... for a lactating woman, it is much more difficult and, for the health of the child and the parent, as

oh my ... national breastfeeding awareness month has become, through that superior comprehension machine of yours, "the august national week", and because world breastfeeding week falls in the same month, any promotion of national breastfeeding month is a promotion of the international event's backers, including

again, no ... national breastfeeding awareness month is a breastfeeding awareness and education campaign instituted, supported and funded by the u.s. department of health and human services ... those pinko commie radicals!

uh, no ... mom2mom is a peer support group, providing support and education to lactating mothers ... and the photos were posed for with the understanding that they would be displayed in a health center on the base, but were posted without the airmen's intent or assent on the mom2mom fb page

so, instead of investigating before reporting a story that might be hurtful and damaging to a young woman, this media outlet just ran with it? because, unless you personally know that a female has been guarded and controlled at every moment of her life (burka optional), it's all too easy to believe "she's a slut!"?

i'm not objecting to servicemen being actively religious ... i used the photo, which by now we are all familiar with, to show that images of lifestyle choices in uniform are being tolerated ... even if such images border on the "causey", like very popular efforts to link our military with christianity (that one is

yeah ... that soldier in the pic i posted totally didn't notice the person in his pew photographing him ... no aiding and abetting an agenda there!

since when aren't breasts family-friendly? my daughter thrived on mine, and my husband ... well ...

soldier praying pics are routinely used by pro-religion websites to promote their cause, not as innocuous "life portraits" ... still, one never hears of such portrayals engendering institutional outrage, firings, and reprimands ... THAT doesn't get them reprimanded

military uniforms can only be used to promote death and destruction, not fringe causes like healthy babies and strong military families

sorry ... fairly new here ... am still not used to a response=approval ... but will think twice in the future

as someone who has had a 7-month-old fetus inside her and experienced that fetus as my child, my baby, this story is horrific

naw, let's make legislative decisions to control women's most fundamental and intimate choices based upon anecdotes ... because if we don't, the world will be overrun with octomoms ... but, wait, it's still legal to pull an octomom, and women aren't ... hmmmm

fyi, when powerful men invade women's sexual and reproductive health decisions against their will, they experience it as a thwarting of their most intimate will ... so profoundly differently from their, or your, experience of interference with economic or educational decisions ... thus, the word "rape", or the phrase

rapists hate being called rapists ... they like to think of themselves as giving women what they really want ... you know, like santa claus

i've always been rather fond of "hoo-ha" ... sounds like a party! but if i was talking to a republican, i would just say "lady bits", in a georgia peach drawl