i don't get it ... morning people are happier, because they don't have to deal with being forced into a daily timeline that is incompatible with their biology? duh
i don't get it ... morning people are happier, because they don't have to deal with being forced into a daily timeline that is incompatible with their biology? duh
alas, the total of those shot to death memorial day weekend in chicago actually came to 11 ... with more than 40 injured ... and the homicide tally for all of the month of may was 50
you can grow ideas in the garden of your mind ... all you have to do is think, and they'll grow
or maybe students could just be taught to respect one another, regardless of attire
morality dress codes tweak my inner rebel teen ... but they also bug the shit out of my outer, grown woman ... i don't see the difference between requiring women to wear burkas in deference to male lust and requiring girls to wear burka tees in deference to male lust ... in both cases, the onus of bad male behavior is…
maybe it's not so much the canned fois gras that is doing the french physique in, it's that the canned fois gras geese are now being factory forced to eat feed that is made of genetically-modified grains, heavy on the high-fructose corn syrup and antibiotics?
a bit
well, she turned me into a newt
if you go to a country where women are expected to wear burkas in public, and you show some girl skin — like bare knees or, heaven forbid, a collar bone — you risk being assaulted in the streets ... you will definitely find yourself surround by a crowd of leering, menacing males ... because, if you dress that way, you …
right ... to have had a separation after 35 years of marriage that triggered menstrual/bone-density effects in her early 40's, she would have had to have been married when she was little more than 5 years old ... if so, maybe the real source of her problem wasn't the separation but the fact that she was a child bride
ugh ... if a parent advises their minor child to get an abortion, and the child tells the doctor that "mom wants me to get an abortion", the doc has to report the parent to child protective services
i understand april's being disappointed ... i even understand the tears ... but i don't understand how any child over the age of 4 feels so entitled that they would make a scene about it, hours after the fact, on the evening news
perhaps he was wearing the costume ironically ... planned to drop acid while at disney ... and was going to youtube his girlfriend's vidis of him trying to fly like dumbo?
it's a hard world out there, what with skittles-wielding teens being shot dead in our streets, little monsters committing suicide, and future nobel laureates being abandoned by their parents, working two jobs, and then being sent to the big house for missing class ... so it kind of warms my heart to see that there is…
if only we'd had a president say it was okay to be gay when i was a teen! i might have been able to override my preference for men so that i could fall in love with a woman ... then maybe we could have enjoyed a lifetime of being discriminated against, paid higher taxes, been denied shared health care coverage and…
well, yeah ... a guy tells me, "lady, you're beautiful just the way you are ... you don't need scientifically-matched foundation and push-up bras", and i'm thinking, "easy for you to say, dude ... did you hear the shit they said about hillary clinton when she showed up for work without full face camo?!"
the negative reaction reminds me of debates at my ivy law school, in which the small percentage of students of color (and myself) argued that, while it was nice that some white students were dedicating their careers to people-of-color-centric public-interest law, it would be even nicer if they dedicated themselves to…
where's the stat that shows "WE'RE NUMBER ONE!"?
judging by your gif, perhaps your problem is that you are trying to cuddle the wrong kind of kitty? chin up, girl ... safe hugs and sweet thoughts all around
yep ... as a repeated childhood abuse victim, i was always been amazed by my perps' ability to pick me out of a crowd ... even after i'd acquired what i thought was a tough girl veneer, they zeroed right in