elaine layabout

after reading some of the comments below, i am curious to know what the article naysayers think "responsible drug reporting" might be, if it's not the kind of honest, open-minded pro-vs-cons information presented here

yeah, but if someone follows through on this invitation to assault, they'll be dismissed as a "lone wolf" ... no republican has ever taken responsibility for anything ... unless, of course, it's in the form of a "mission accomplished" banner

maybe modern science isn't getting the same results because frogs attribute outcomes to cause-and-effect, not the will of jebus, and are thus able to learn something from observation and experience?

so ... frogs are actually smarter than humans?

if you put a frog in a pot and very gradually raise the temperature, it will just sit there, blissfully unaware of its peril, until it has been boiled to death ... was "ribbit", perhaps, one of the survey response options?

could be, matt ... something snapped inside me the first time i saw tan mom ... been feeling culturally disconnected ever since

great ... i was worried about the future of honey boo boo child, and now i'm worried about matt cherette, a grown man who makes honey boo boo child gif's

whenever i read a story about a mass-extinction-level close encounter with an asteroid, i wonder if maybe it wouldn't be for the best ... put an end to all our evil shenanigans ... but then i think: why drag the bunnies and puppies into this? let's talk about human-specific pandemics or, yes, a zombie apocalypse

i guess i can see the need for gallows humor in situations that are beyond our control — soldiers at war are notorious for it, and my siblings and i use it to talk about our monstrous childhoods — but i worry about the distancing effect of these jokes in a situation that is, as members of a modern democracy, within

well, the united states would be a lot more awesome if we didn't have sociopaths like condoleezza "we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud" rice using our taxes to send american troops off to fight and die, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians abroad and destroying families at home ... just

knowing, as a former law type, how the criminal "justice" system works in this country, i think it's entirely possible that kilkus might have seen himself as having no option but to accept the conviction for possession of child porn ... HOWEVER, this comment troubles me greatly:

we could all get our tats removed, style our hair like mitt and ann romney, and wear nothing but khaki and grey wool

well, i always loved cary grant, but after i found out that he not only smoked weed but had taken more than 100 lsd trips, i wanted fly to hollywood, buy me a map to the stars' homes, and go throw my naked, twenty-something self at his feet

redundant, schmedundant ... the whole point of this exercise is for congress to spend its time and resources on anything but the economy ... that way, we'll be so confused and stressed by our hunger, homelessness, joblessness, and debt that we'll vote for mitt romeny

there should be a rule ... a member of congress cannot legislate against racism and sexism toward a fetus until they have legislated against racism and sexism toward those already born ... you know ACTUAL PERSONS UNDER THE LAW

right ... breastfeeding is comparable to smoking ... and women should be expected to choose between the healthful, normative care of their children and service in the military

"You wanted to participate in a career that is slightly more demanding than that of say a receptionist, housewife, lawyer, doctor, writer, etc. so you should adhere to a more professional standard and take your job more seriously."

true ... but creepy

just wondering ... if the girl is a teen mom, do they call her a milf?

dear jebus, please don't let this poor, misguided child turn out to be gay, but if it is your will that he be gay, please don't let him run for public office, so that he can spread his self-loathing through anti-gay legislation, but if that is your will, please let him be outed, ideally and ironically, with video