elaine layabout

and maybe some day you'll be able to read with comprehension ... here's a hot tip to get you started: grief ≠ compassion

feeling sad is one thing — nobody enjoys having their idols tainted — but getting upset with an actor, to whom you have reached out and who refuses maintain your fantasies, is another

the ellen thing is fine, so long as you are worshiping from afar ... no needy, gushy tweets, 'kay?

there is a difference between art and real life ... and i find eminem's art about anger and violence toward women to be very complicated, often self-critical ... while in real life ... well, i don't know, because i don't know him ... neither does monaghan

monaghan didn't know eminem personally when he did the video — he never even met him during the shoot —, but he does know matthew fox and, presumably, is referring to some sort of first-hand knowledge of fox's behavior

i worry about this girl ... she's still so obsessed about "lost" two years since the series ended (and many more since it jumped the shark) that she is cannot tolerate hearing that one of its cast members might be a real-life jerk ... for her sake, i hope she lives far, far away from hollywood

the highlight of one of the best nights of my life was peeing, copiously and frequently, amid the tumbleweeds during a guerrilla rock show in the mojave desert ... there was a balmy breeze, and as i squatted in the blue light of a full moon, i could feel myself surrounded by the throbbing energy of a 100 other

whether it's because she was accomplished or had so much potential or was a beautiful girl or they had shared their lives with her, marina's family, friends, and colleagues must be devastated ... i hope that they can take comfort in the fact that, despite its brevity, marina lived a full life and did not squander the

of course this is a matter of opinion ... that's a given ... and mine was formed after a lifetime of viewing similarly-composed images that portray women as accessories ... vacuous, interchangeable, t&a accessories

yeah, they pretend to be all "i serve you, oh dominant one", but who's doing all the kibble hunting, scooping all the poop, and keeping the pride/pack warm and dry?

i'll admit it ... it was wrong of me to call ryan "some swim dude" ... but it rankles me that vogue has plugged serena into the classic "arm candy" pose, in which the women are just fungible fuckbots ... successful, world-renowned women athletes are too few and far between for vogue to be dissin' serena, and had their

it seems as if vogue thinks strong, athletic women are a hard sell ... gotta gussy them up and power them down before we can bear to even look at them

in my next life i hope i'm a cat ... 'cause no matter how impossible my dreams might be, i'll look impressive attempting them, and i'll always land on my feet ... then i'll slink off and find a nice box to curl up in for a nap

does this kid have a time machine? i could swear he played football at my high school

if i had been born in a different era — perhaps, 5 years from now — maybe i could have grown up playing with hunger games-themed legos, and i would now be, not only a badass survival machine, but look un-self-consciously hot in tight leather, lycra and flames

while many girls and their toy-buying parents are comfortable with and engaged by beauty-centric toys, not all girls and their parents are ... those families, however, are shit out of luck in the toy aisle ... there are rarely non-traditional choices for girls, no matter the toy line, and that is the problem

well, by the time they are juniors in high school, every american ought to understand that you either feed your belly or you feed your brain ... they gotta choose ... and if they don't, what else can we do but incarcerate them? if we don't, kids all over the land will be demanding food AND knowledge ... next thing you

not to mention the fact that amphetamine and benzedrine were WIDELY prescribed for weight control ... i'd be skinny, too, if i was a chain-smoking speed freak!

well, as someone who was abandoned as a 15-year-old along with a 13-year-old bro, i can tell you that we did a lot of fast talking to avoid entering THE SYSTEM ... in our minds, the familiarity of neglect was preferable to the unknowns of the foster system ... a few teachers and friends' parents knew our situation,

this will be a lesson to all you kids out there: don't let your parents abandon you, and if they do, don't work to survive ... i think that maybe you're supposed to just lay down and die, preferably in the hallway at school