Ugh, I know.
Ugh, I know.
The treatment you have experienced is horrible, but it also makes me really want to check out Tinder.
No, it won't be over a cookie or movie ticket. It will be a romantic relationship gone sour. It won't be premeditated either, it will be a rapid escalation and then frantic attempt to destroy evidence.
You sound like - who was it; the NYT? - who published an article referring to Gloria Steinem as "Miss Steinem."
That is super rude, but it is almost funny. Almost.
Whether or not I take my husband's name when (if?) I get married, I will still go by Ms. Enough with the Miss and Mrs. shit. Women do not need to be defined (any more than we already are) by their marital status.
I would have insisted the calligrapher pay me back to replace the damaged (yes, damaged!!!) envelopes.
I would be flat-out offended if anyone ever called (in speech or writing) me "Mrs. Someone Else." Offended. Even if they didn't mean to be rude, or even if they don't think it is rude, it is rude. I expressed as much to an older woman once, since she asked me my thoughts on the matter directly, and it almost seemed as…
A dermatologist trying to sell me some magic beans once told me my freckles - my gorgeous freckles; the ones I've had since I was a tiny child - are decades' worth of "sun damage" but that she could "fix them" for me... to the tune of several laser treatments at $600 a pop. Bitch is lucky I didn't slap her upside the…
Why is this not a crime? This "Kevin" person can be found. The internet is not all that private, after all. He should be charged for these threats.
There is NO way it's a coincidence! I do not understand how these "scientific" studies come up with this stuff. Are they being paid off by the razor industry?
Defacto house arrest, so true. It makes me think of Saudi and how women are kept at home or with male family escorts for their own protection and for the moral protection of men who will lust after their mere presence. It's like, hey let's make our society safe and good by locking up every woman. Nice work everybody!…
Because we have seen so many cases where male judges sympathize with male attackers and make excuses for their crimes. "I hope it's a woman judge," probably just means, "I hope justice is served instead of the criminal being told he is probably a real nice guy."
Because, unfortunately, too often the sex of the judge is relevant to the punishment of the attacker.
And the one where the rapist was found guilty but the (male) (biased) judge sympathized with him saying, "I don't believe you are a real rapist. You just couldn't help yourself."
Not necessarily. Perhaps it implies a hope of no bias. I'm thinking about that male judge who sentenced the statutory rapist to community service because the 14-year-old he was having sex with was "older than her chronological age," and "had some responsibility" in her victimization. Maybe the comment meant they hoped…
They are taught from such a young age. My friends and I used to cross the border into Mexico during spring break trips to the coast. When the bars (finally) closed, there would be a massive crowd of people making their way on foot back across the border. Little kids would be in the streets selling gum, and it was more…
I don't know that it's bias or personal beliefs to expect the enforcement of laws and proper punishment.
I probably wouldn't piss on him, but I might toss an egg at his head. Or give him a gentle bump in the nuts.