The internet makes us all stalkers. She was curious about an odd review, looked into it more, and found that the person was behaving fraudulently. I get it.
The internet makes us all stalkers. She was curious about an odd review, looked into it more, and found that the person was behaving fraudulently. I get it.
Bristol and the Palins suck, but anyone would look like a loser compared to Malala. I cried when she was on The Daily Show... actual tears running down my cheeks.
George Costanza.
It's ridiculous. A guy sat next to me on the plane the other day (it wasn't even his seat, he just sat down to befriend me, I suppose) and started talking my ear off. I nodded and "uh-huh"ed at him for awhile, then silently closed my eyes and leaned my head against the window and fell asleep. When I woke up, as the…
I once dated a guy who would say he didn't have an email address when cashiers asked him for it at stores. It was genius! They would blink at him, confused, for a few seconds, and then bypass the "request email" prompt on their computers. It was inspirational.
This goes along with dispelling the idea that rape is a stranger jumping out of a dark street or parking lot to attack a random woman. The guilt and confusion that accompanies rape by an acquaintance makes it even less likely that the victim would run away and immediately call police, the way movies or ideas in our…
Yeah. People are entitled to have whatever standards and preferences they like, just as they should be proud of whatever body and looks they happen to have. My issue is with how many conventionally unattractive, aging, overweight men will - with a complete lack of self-awareness - wax on and on and on about women that…
This woman has no class.
Kudos on all counts, and great piece. But to be honest, the main thing I think about when I see/read discussions like this on racism is just how sad, accepted and completely unrecognized sexism is in our culture. The Redskins name is not ok, and it's easy to see and understand why. Start talking about the…
Actually, they do. The laws just aren't as widely present and enforced as they should be.
I don't blame her. She's 20. I blame the (adult) morons who keep Rush Limbaugh on the air (and the like in the spotlight) who have coined the term feminazi to diminish and demean issues related to women's rights and equality.
Do anti-choice supporters think women will receive better care from their back-alley abortion providers, coat-hanger procedures and self-harm measures in an ideal anti-choice world?
By the way, what exactly happens when something is shit down?
It took months and months (possibly years?) for that revenge porn site, which I won't even give credit by naming it, to be shut down. A huge portion of the victims' photos were not even submitted by past boyfriends or lovers - not that that would really make it more acceptable - but were hacked from their own personal…
I know no one is here for lame diet advice, but a crossfitting friend advised me on an ideal breakfast combo, and whenever I have it I feel full, energized and proud of myself for not eating something else. 2 eggs, a handful of berries, and a good amount of plain leafy greens (like spinach). It's not the most exciting…
You forgot the coloring!
I made breakfast this morning and then ate it in the bathroom while I curled my hair.
I want to marry John Oliver.