Elaine Chow

Really? Because I basically just pressed X the entire time and I won. The first half of the game, I could press X while making dinner and chatting to friends in another room (god bless wireless controllers), and I'd still win.

I know this non-option is usually thrown around as a way of scaring those of us who hate these new TSA measures back in line, but I wish there WAS actually un-TSA-scanned flights using procedures from before 9/11 to usher us onto the plane.

Wait, so the wiki states that Hawke has a wife named Aveline. If you're playing as a female, is Aveline male or is it like a Portia Degeneres thing?

@CandyBacon: Plus, there's the problem that we're already seeing with GM corn and soybeans - when companies own patents on something, they protect it ruthlessly and to points of ridiculousness.

I'm curious about how heavy that 14" tablet would be though. I already find the 13" ones a tad annoying to cradle in the nook of my arm, which I thought was how tablets would be used much of the time they're in tablet mode anyhow.

@MaWeiTao: Hey now, living here in China, I would kill for someone to actually be able to stop a project because of something like an environmental or safety review.

Nooooo, I will no longer be an anomaly!

Woah, I <3 Whitney, but why did Nigel Barker take such horrible photos of her? In every single one, she looks like she was on the verge of saying something before she got cut off and her picture snapped.

As someone who lied constantly to a boyfriend because I felt I had to (despite never doing anything particularly bad), if you feel like you can't tell the truth - you should probably get out of the relationship.

Well, if she's getting her own little spot on here, then that's fine - but I actually agree with most of what she said about Obama... more specifically, Obama followers.

She was banned???

... Is that Tim Roth?

Well, I'm a little late to the game and I can't be bothered to read through all 131 comments before me, but microlending in the end may do more good than all the money other celebrities donate to the vague notion of "stopping genocide in Darfur." It's a sound economic practice which drives resources exactly where they

YES Robin McKinley

I gave the entire series to my sister for Christmas, but I have to say, Alanna is my favorite out of the four books. For some reason, I always felt more at home with female fantasy characters than say, girls from the Babysitters Club or Sweet Valley High.

Yeah, this is a little late since I always forget to recheck the comments on this blog, but my point is that it's a somewhat stupid and frankly unnecessary comment that reeks of bitterness.

Jesus people, it's not like she was asking for your pity! What kind of problems do YOU have that you actually feel like you were expected to feel sorry for someone who was just talking about work?

Flirting with 40? Didn't Heather Locklear already make this movie? Only I think the last one starred Hilary Duff as the chirpy little daughter trying to set her mom up.