Elaine Chow

Haaa, what Braak said. I can never actually type out something quick enough to be the first one to say it in Jezebel comments.

Wouldn't a weapon be about violence and control as well? In that light, sex as a weapon is a pretty fitting description for rape.

I'm sure somebody's made this joke at some point already but - wait... Women's magazines AREN'T just a catalogue of advertisements?

and wow, a lot of you seem to be confusing "religion" causing all this crap in the Middle East with "poverty, stress and a lack of education" causing all this crap in the Middle East.

When I lived in Hong Kong, I went to school with a lot of moderate Muslims. I wouldn't have known half of them were Muslim if they hadn't taken off for Ramadan and complained to me about how they were staaaarving that day and "Omg, could you NOT eat that in front of me pleeeeaaase?" Of course there are moderate

Yuck! I hate doing the whole "let's talk about where our relationship is going" thing. Maybe it's "guy"ish of me or something, but I agree that there's probably a huge problem in your relationship already if you need to talk about it specifically.

Oh poo, when I read the first line I thought that the Kadarshiwhatevers had suddenly decided to give a bulk of their wealth to charity and found myself feeling excited about the Christmas season for once.

Yeah, I'm echoing Darwin's Little Darling on here.

If junk food was birth control, the south wouldn't be having so many babies. Just sayin' y'all.

I think I have worn a matching set of underwear perhaps once in the entire year, and it was definitely by accident.

Um... Perhaps you all have better eyes than me, but I can't tell when the pictures are all thumbnail sized.

I've always wondered why being "confident" meant that you had to take on the hyper sexual qualities. While I might not always be the face of self confidence all the time, I'd like to think that everyone that matters in my life likes me because I'm me, not because there's some crazy sex tiger inside of me that's just

@McBooty: I'm wondering if we dated the same Israeli. This one talked about how he had killed people while in the Israeli army, while genuinely trying to woo me with pick up lines I thought were only used as jokes (Is your dad a thief? Because it's like he stole the stars from the skies blahblahblah! *snicker).

Please, no more Ann Coulter! I'm convinced the only reason she says such ridiculous things is to get the attention, and if we all just stop giving her attention, she'll explode in a great fiery ball of self-pity and unfulfilled dreams. PLEASE MAKE THIS HAPPEN.

the schadenfreude, it tastes so delicious...

Well, I don't think you're even allowed to get married in China until you're 21 (and there's that whole pesky most people are too poor to live in a single-family home and thus live with their parents til the end of time), so it's not so surprising that people are only doing it at 22.