
There are people literally on ventilators and dying who still claim the pandemic is a hoax 

You’re right. Let’s yet again thank Trump for this--  https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/obama-team-left-pandemic-playbook-for-trump-administration-officials-confirm

Did you read past the headline?

I don’t think the psychology behind the anti-vax movement works that way, unfortunately. There are people who personally know other people who have died of Covid who still won’t get it. 

It won't though.

Bingo. Fear mongering in the general population doesn’t help unless you can give people a solution they believe they can reasonably accept and do something about. But at the level of our governments and infrastructure, we need to be ready for future diseases, and hopefully for not allowing epidemics to become

Yeah the article actually seems like it’s postulating a perfectly reasonable idea and since this current, rather mild, pandemic has been nothing but catastrophe for the entire goddamn globe, I feel like we should absolutely be thinking in terms of how to rise to the occasion of something *much* worse. And since Covid

I do, however, wish the governments of the world *would* plan for a doomsday variant better than they planned for our current situation, perhaps things wouldn’t be quite so shit and maybe there wouldn’t be millions of unnecessarily dead people in a year.

It’s not going to end well for him, will it? This is one of those sad situations where you know they’re racing for the cliff, and all you can do is stay clear.

What often gets glossed over is that her experience is a very Irish one. We’re a similar age and our upbringings were full of the same cloying religiosity and stark hypocrisy that passed for “normal” back then.

I dislike the tone of reverence given to O’Connor’s veneer of honesty. I suspect she would dislike it herself, even if she didn’t understand why. We’ve watched O’Connor’s mental illnesses and childhood trauma acted out on the international stage for decades because of her fame. But as recently as a week ago she

Completely meant without condescension, but I’ve always felt extremely protective of Sinead since my first listen of The Lion and the Cobra—-you could just tell from album that She Has Seen Things. I hope the writing of this book provides some peace of mind and heart for her, because that’s what I’ve wished the most

Yes! Also, I’m that person at parties and happy hours pointing out that Madonna is on film in her own freaking documentary she had made about herself laughing out loud about her hairstylist’s rape...so, yeah.

I’m That Person at parties and happy hours because I point out that it was Sinead O’Connor who publicly called out the Catholic Church for sex abuse long before the Boston Globe ever did. The following year, a real estate developer found mass graves from the Magdalene laundries.

The Intercept doesn’t know how to do their job. It’s why people keep getting caught or having to run to Russia(of all places).

They might as well have. The Intercept didn’t sanitize the printer identification dots or visible paper creases on the documents when they sent scanned copies to the NSA, where the dots led back to both the printer Winner used and the date and time of the print job.

I feel like these leggings are not crotchless. Crotchless to me says that they are open at the crotch, so that maybe you could easily engage in some vaginal penetration without taking the leggings off. I get what I think they are saying when they call them crotchless, but it is not how I am used to hearing the word

Wow. Not only is this racially insensitive and lacking context, but it littered with inaccuracies. You should be ashamed of yourself.

I know really the main reason to write about this story is just to get outrage clicks, but good Lord add some context to a story if you’re going to write about it. 99% of people outside of Canada have no idea what The Globe refers to or who “Doyle” is.

Who’s Doyle?