
The film is far too long, at two-plus hours, but there are much worse ways to spend around 140 minutes, such as reading internet indignation that a massively budgeted Disney blockbuster on an exorbitantly priced streaming app didn’t perform its socialist feminism well enough to be exalted as a masterpiece in a

You could tell from the monologue that Keegan was the exact type of host SNL, especially the SNL of the last 20 or so years, is intimidated by. The man is a sketch comedy legend, he can be a leading man or a goofball, he’s got great charisma and physicality- he can do just about anything and more. I tried to keep low

after becoming four kids with him

(though I think the only truly bad thing he’s responsible for is “stan” for “fan”)

Fey has a crippling sense of imposter syndrome and Poehler has no problem with being an objectionable person in the room.  Rudolph is very much the ‘pretty and fun woman at the party’ type.  She’s just naturally affable.  I don’t really get the point of trying to shove uncomfortable ‘bitch’ roles onto somebody who

She’s an example of somebody who’s just genuinely that enjoyable off camera that she can just do what she wants on. She knows her lines, hits her mark, and is just generally charismatic. She doesn’t need to play unlikable or have obvious foibles.

Agreed completely.  I resent Dennis’ implication that everyone younger than him knows what they are but please don’t email him because in my experience...  No one knows.  And no one really cares--they’re not really a thing for most people, which is why it seemed way too early to do a sketch about them (ideally there

IDK - I thought it was spot on. The NFT thing is ridiculous in concept, and I thought it was a great satire, but maybe a bit too inside for most. The “nerds” at the end pretty much defined the audience for it.

Florida’s pandemic model is so good that if it was a country it would be ranked #18 for highest number of deaths in the world. Strong job, Florida! 

HAHA. Florida’s handling of COVID has been much worse.

I’d say Pete’s actually grown up quite a bit over his 7 seasons. When he first started he was there to talk about being the resident young person and smoking weed. Even his rap pre-tapes feel older than he is. I sort of hope this is his last season though.

Even the local officials have had to deal with the mess thrown on them by lax state laws letting so many spring breakers crash. I didn’t really take it as a huge anti-Florida piece.

I’m tired of people using the word “lecture” as a cheap way of portraying someone as smug just for giving an opinion.

kenan lives in florida he gets a florida jokes pass.

Did anyone else think Maya looked really uncomfortable during the embraces in the Kamala Harris sketch? Like, I get they were supposed to be weird and awkward and cringey back hugs, but she seemed pretty creeped out by the way Short was hugging her. 

I’m surprised no one’s mentioning the “Someone Like You” sketch from a few years back.

Because it’s still funny *shrugs*

The great thing about sketches like these is that they’re evergreen.

No, I mean one can argue you’re definitely not cooler by not knowing one of the most popular songs in America currently, that’s like the definition of not cool.

It’s a well crafted pop song.