
Pediatric cancer is not “a human thing.” It’s a malignant tumor. It is a parasitic, abnormal cell that infiltrates and destroys human bodies. Find a better analogy.

Ok but I think about his password bit almost every day. PROVE! Prove you’re not a robot! 

Relationships evolve and change - it’s a human thing.

Somehow I can’t help but feel the only people who lose here are the teens who would have benefitted from the funding that would have been provided.

John suffers from addiction. He relapsed. His wife left him after being unable to uphold her vows of being with him for better or worse.

Jamie got pregnant at 16. Officially, the father is the guy she was on-and-off dating at the time, who was two years older than her. There have been rumors that that was a cover-up and it was actually by a producer on the show instead, but no real evidence. The kid looks a lot more like the ex-boyfriend than the

They should take her money. Money is good. Money helps them help more people, no? What is this supposedly serious charity organization doing making decisions based on unconfirmed gossip?!

I would honestly like to sue my family, to be totally honest with you.”

The vitriol aimed at this woman is pretty over the top. At this point, I feel like I don’t know enough information to come to the conclusion that Jamie Lynn is a horrible person. None of us have any idea what she did or didn’t do behind the scenes and the bullying, death threats, etc are really gross, especially since

Ok so....he based his stand up on his life. And? That’s supposed to be wrong? Unusual? It was his ACT.

It’s sucks that it will be gray but once again I have to say that I think this case main thing is that Jezebel and some commentators suffer from huge POV Gender in this case and because they empathize with Anna Marie Tendler, they judge it this way. Jezebel covered Olivia Wilde’s leaving Jason Sudeikos for Harry

That something happens often, or is a normal part of life, doesn’t make not tragic. It’s invariably going to be a part of literally everyone’s story—but it (death) can obviously still be tragic, because it’s very often called “a tragedy.”

I think you need to think twice about whether Jezebel is better than this.

My partner and I saw his new set last week and it was pretty great. Maybe a minute on his new relationship (self-deprecating at that), but as you can probably predict a good 80% of his new stuff is about his intervention and rehab stint.

Let’s take matters into our own hands: The rejection of Munn-Mulaney is down to Munn being a perma-Who? and Mulaney being a Them.

A lot is residual Olivia Munn hatred. A lot.

And Mulaney still doesn’t “do ‘OMG my spouse is terrible’ routines”. Y’all the ones out here getting parasocial and trying to make this dramatic/tragic.

I don’t think my dad was a bad father, but I’ve grown a bit distant in adulthood, and I definitely don’t have much use for conceptual ideas of masculinity. That said, I’ve been reading a book about queer faith, and I've unintentionally remembered things my dad said or did that definitely made me feel less than because

I had several exes with dads like that. None of them saw the issue and they even credited their dads for making them “manly and toughening them up.” I’m still fucked up from dating or marrying these men. I can only imagine the toll it took on you. The cult of toxic manhood needs to die. 

He’s long gone, yes. One minor regret is that I didn’t kill him. But then I woulda ended up in prison for the rest of my life and it would’ve deprived all you good people of my edgy wit and wisdom. That would’ve been the real crime.