
I'll take The Rapist for 100, Alex. . . .

Strangely enough I have some sparking shots that I just took (unrelated to the challenge) - but thanks to the Gawker draconian rights grab on any photos submitted - well, gawker can go fuck themselves.

Yes, logically a military should bombard a planet from orbit and star ship battles should take place with combatants a billions of miles apart. The Rule of Cool trumps all that.

Really? I had no idea (but then I only marginally pay attention to the franchise). Did they not get a big enough cut of the video game/action figure/bed sheets/under-roos pie or something?

Huzzah! Someone spotted the nod. Here, have a cookie.

Last trip? Hardly - when you have a film series that has made a fuckload of cash, the last thing you do is put it on a shelf. They'll bring it out again in 5 or 10 years with more sequels (or perhaps steal the star wars model and individual movies on characters).

Peter Jackson clearly never had a writing teacher who instilled upon him the idea that one should never use 5 words when 2 will do

The "monster" I'd love to see come back? These guys. (ANd yes, I know they weren't monsters - but they were still awesome, well fleshed out aliens in a pretty good story).

Tell you what - I'll try both and see which one nets me more Ladies!

Shit, I need to try this!

Speak for yourself - I fully intend on being around then! And I'd like to think I'm doing pretty good on this whole Immortality thing so far.

Hmmm, I’m trying to figure out who is a bigger Money Whore – Sanrio or Gene Simmons. Boy, there’s a race that’s tough to pick a winner in!

Which is probably why Andrea didn't want to gun down the Bit Man - she knew what was inevitably coming: a brief, painful rolling around on the ground period followed by all consuming lust for brains - but the crowd of onlookers, isolated from the horrors of The Outside still think the bitten can be saved. From their

And it only took 150-ish years for the Mormons to come clean on any culpability in the murders. Yeah, that's real upstanding leadership there. . . .

Proof that the mormons have been a shitty, corrupt fucked up orginization all along? They execute the Mountain Meadows Massacre and then deny any involvement for years and years and years until a member broke ranks and told all. Seriously - they murdered every civilian above the age of 5 (or so) and then covered it

Better Mass Effect 4 than Star Wars: The Old Republic 2

Well, it's cheaper than the PS3, so that's a step in the right direction. And who knows - if the PS2 ever gets below the 100 dollar mark, I might actually buy one someday.

No kidding. It's about a flying man who wears underwear on the outside of his pants and can push the moon out of orbit. How fucking realistic can he be?

We're approaching Superman as if it weren't a comic book movie, as if it were real. It just struck me that if Superman really existed in the world, first of all this story would be a story about contact.

I've always wondered just what the correct strategy for hoth was. The options were: