
Wait - so you think that death threats against the writers is an appropriate response to this?

Actually it sounds like a pretty cool arc. I might have to grab the last couple of issues to give the story a spin.

Or what happens in 8 years when EA shuts the server down? I still play Railroad Tycoon 3 on a reasonably regular basis, and that's a 10 year old game!

A cow snuff film? Fuck you Gizmodo for posting this. Serious, you have no fucking standards!

Eh, TMNT III wasn't all that bad. It was certainly better than II (although II does have Vanilla Ice. . . .)

I had a whole boatload of UY Animego laserdiscs from after the format imploded that I picked up for super cheap. Ah, those were some good times!

That boggles me too - not the god thing, but the "you really arent that special" thing. Finding another civilization doesn't devalue your specialness - it just means that a very vast and lonely universe got a little less lonely.

Why is there other life in the universe? The numbers are on our side! There are what - 2 to 4 hundred billion stars in our galaxy. Even if a earth-like planet is one in a billion, that's roughly 2,000-ish Earths in the Milky Way. The most current estimates guess that there are 100 billion galaxies in the universe (up

There was an episode of the Real Ghostbusters that acted as a bridge between the first movie and the series, where the boys came home covered in yummy Gozer Goo. The suits had a strong PKE residue that adsorbed energy from a leaky containment grid, eventually becoming phantom echos of the original wearer.

Orko, the floating Trollan magician with the learning disability

Also, why in the hell did a sex story run without the use of the Raccoon Woman's O Face picture?!? I feel so let down now!

If one gained (or lost) weight from masturbation, I would have looked like Mr Creosote (or twiggy) years ago. . . .

and the film is terribly padded

Well, aside from the part where it pretty much invented modern special effects. It's tough to see it now, surrounded by laptops that can render 100% computer generated scenes that'll knock your socks off, but back in the day that was really cutting edge stuff. The trench run from New Hope? Everything before that was

I'm not defending the new ones, but the first three? Certainly! Or is only artsy fartsy french existential bullshit "good film-making" in your mind?

How in the fuck do you cut TWO Lone Ranger trailers and not have a note of Rossini anywhere to be found? Seriously!

Um. . .

Who needs Mario when you can make your Wii look like Three Wolf Moon!

Wait - like Alien Resurrection, hate Aliens? Yeah, it's just you.

No, no it shouldn't. Fuck this new outfit. I want the iconic tights and red boots back.