
Alright MS, I offer you this brilliant idea!

'ello guvna, I'm the oat inspector. Hand over yur oats!

God I loved that game. I would kill someone for an HD release of Xwing VS Tie Fighter.

Ass to Ass.

I think they have that in Las Vegas.

How about Tim is a junkie and the whole movie is a hallucination of him getting chased by dinosaurs?

Why did Alan go back in #3? Money!

They should bring back the kids. Lex is pretty hot now, and Tim was good in that Pacific war movie thingy.

I feel like I knew this, but it still seems new.

I was referring to Microsoft. By announcing Windows Phone 8 and Surface they basically putting a hold on people buying things until they both come out.

The timing of all this is very peculiar. Unless it's coming out next month why put a hold on people buying your phones or computers for the summer?

Okay okay, NOW the beta test is really over!

I'm still waiting for True Lies 2 to come out.

False alarm everyone, we merely found Higgs Bassoon.

Stop using facts to disprove my point!!!

Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub. The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker!

I was mainly noting the hypocrisy of how you would never see a banner like that accompanied by an article about Apple.

Apple wrote the book on screwing existing users. Giz is sure showing its true colors!