
North Carolina is the worst. They even had North in their name and they still sided with the Confederacy. Turncoats!!!

Is that the opposite of "freaking out"? Like you're not excited?

Blimey Inspector! Where are we?

The Constant and The Variable were 2 of Lost's best episodes. I would love to see a Desmond and Faraday spin off show... if only...

Also A Dangerous Method has some naughty sex scenes... so ya know... maybe she didn't want the whole bus to thing she was watching some porno full screen.

This post should be renamed to "How to hide a page from search indexes".

I hope Prometheus is good and we're not just thinking the whole time how it would've been better with Face Huggers and Aliens instead of Cobras and Steroid Guys.

Now THAT is the smartest thing I've heard all day.

All Kurt Vonnegut's early work is amazing: Player Piano, Sirens of Titan, Cat's Cradle

Man I love my WP7! If not having a shitty Facebook camera app makes you not like it well then sir, you need to get your priorities straight.

The real problem with all this tech is it makes identity theft very gruesome. Instead of just stealing somebodies SSN or Credit Card number you actually have to cut off their skin, cut off their fingers, or tear out their eyes. It's just not civilized.

3. A computer geek who likes Ministry.

Let's see United States Defense Budget... 683 billion dollars. United States NASA Budget... 18 billion dollars.

Ha that's probably true. Come June if my choices were seeing the Avengers a second time or seeing GI Joe I'd probably choose the Avengers again.

If I'm ever a billionaire I'm going to spend a couple hundred million to make William Gibson's Alien 3.

Panic Room!!!


So basically you buy a thousand+ dollar product and you don't get the best user experience because the company needs to clearly advertise its logo on said product you just purchased?

I'm betting it works for 3 years and then is sunk by a peanut farmer.

Awesome game, awesome gun!