
For some reason it hasn't rained up here in Seattle in like 4 weeks... finally the forecast is calling for rain... ON SUNDAY. God damn you mother nature!

Do you have to have a valid ID? I've been out of college for 10 years... but I still have the ID! I guess they'd really have no way to validate it.

I think every JJ Abrams show requires a healthy dose of "willing suspension of disbelief".

I'll watch Revolution, and maybe Arrow for a couple episodes (I just feel weird watching anything on the CW that isn't Seinfeld reruns). I'll probably give Terry O'Quinn a shot just because he's amazing in everything, but that premise doesn't sound like my cup of tea.

I had zero interest in seeing Battleship but your buddies stellar review over at Deadspin got me a twinge interested.

"Whoever wins... we lose", wasn't that the tag line for Alien vs Predator? And it stars Steve Urkel? Holy shit I'm finding this movie right now!

Ha, that's what I usually say on the plane ride home!

Soooooooo, anybody wanna go get some lattes?

Damn, I go to Vegas all the time... how did I not know this was there!?!?

It snowed! Global Warming is a myth! Jesus killed the dinosaurs! E actually equals MC cubed!!!!!

ABC.com has a trailer up for "Last Resort" which looks much better than anything here.

$15 in 9 months does not scream "good deal" to me.

No wonder NASA doesn't get any funding. Was that animation made on a computer from 1983? Spruce up the graphics guys, gotta make it sexy to get the money!

Jeez, Terry O'Quinn is now on Hawaii Five-O, Falling Skies, and now his own show? Way to keep busy buddy!

Ha, ya young whippersnapper. My friend The 80's and I have a bone to pick with you.

Oh fine, you win... some emo bands are ok!

Yes Pinkerton is the greatest emo album, but only because it came out before emo was a thing. Nowadays you think of emo as Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, etc... no good.

Blasphemy! Silver Sun Pickups should not be considered emo.

It's like my childhood is getting wiped out one dinosaur at a time. Thanks.

I would enjoy watching a video of that toppling over.