You lost me at "coming-of-age journey".
Hahaha the idea that they had those arc's mapped out is laughable.
Isn't that the guy from Star Wars?
I'm pretty sure it's some sort of tie in with Prometheus... or an E3 Half-Life 3 announcement... definitely 100% one of those 2.
I just uploaded a picture of my laptop to my SkyDrive... problem solved?
You mean Microsoft, Google, and Apple are all going to have their own distinct map services on their own devices? Color me shocked!
C. Everett Koop is not happy. Why didn't they have Life Alert?
So I've watched 4 episodes of Alcatraz... I've got the rest sitting on my DVR... is it even worth watching them? Are they any good? I thought the first one's were just OK, but if it's going no where I'll save my time.
If the menace is a phantom you wouldn't know where the threat was coming from!
The poor ancestors of the Juneans.
Now how can we get Sean Connery out of retirement?
I like those Chris Parnell beta test commercials. They should've got him and Andy Samberg to do a Lazy Sundayesque song for Nokia.
I'd watch that! Quick... write it.
What's with the long pants in 4th grade?
So we get Iron Man 2, Thor 2, Cap 2, and then an Avengers 2... where's the Ant-Man guys?!?
Sandra Bullock trapped in orbit. If she goes below 17500 miles per hour she will explode!
I wasn't at all interested in Snow White until I saw an actual preview before The Avengers. Gotta say it looks pretty bad ass.
Why don't they go to Titan instead? I hear it has some giant birds and some really cool looking statues.