
I like the cut of your jib!


Where is the picture of the Florida shaped space ship that they are clearly fighting against?

Will it cancel out the 11 minutes I lose per cigarette I smoke a day?

Let's see, Person of Interest got renewed so Ben can't come back... Alcatraz got cancelled so Hurley can come back... Scandal got renewed so Desmond can't come back... Hawaii Five-O got renewed so Jin can't come back... Ringer got cancelled so Richard can come back... Vampire Diaries got renewed so Boone can't come

I let my kid play with my iPad 1 in hopes he will break it and I can convince my wife we need an iPad 3 replacement... sadly he's been very gentle with it.

The 75 mph speed limit came in to effect in 1999. That's when I got my first ever speeding ticket going 91 in my '87 Toyota Tercel. Good times.

I'm surprised this wasn't done sooner.

Actually if you look at wind patterns and the spread of the ash the pacific northwest is the safest place to be.

She's a scientist! Have you ever met a non-awkward nerd?

Stripper jokes are always funny!

I think Earth should have 4 poles as well.

Didn't MS just apply for a patent for an e ink back to a phone?

Pyramids you say... meow that's a good idea!

Oh Yoshimi, they don't believe me, but you won't let those, robots defeat me.

I feel bad for the guy operating the boom mic. He's probably dead now for getting it into the shot.

I think we all know what's really going on. They just want to sell expensive asteroid bottled water to rich people for millions of dollars.

Yes, just like Rdio... but hopefully with unlimited free play.

I think ya'll are missing the point. It's a browser based service. Spotify you have to download the app, Zune pass you have to install the app. This will just let you login on your browser and listen to music.

Spoken by someone who obviously has never used Zune.