
You should update your chart. SkyDrive has lots of Android apps:

Connor Freeman is a very un-Star Warsy name.

I think I'll stick with SkyDrive... can't really beat 25 GB for free.

So is this the last movie then? I mean if they kill off all the people from the first one you are running low on Joes to bring in. Unless they have a Shipwreck movie... I'd be for that.

I can't think of anything...

Do they sell guns on craigslist? I'd imagine the bank wouldn't be too fond of you trading firearms in their lobby.

RISC architecture is gonna change everything!

Every OS should have it's own cloud storage (iCloud, Google Drive, Skydrive) and you get (FOR FREE) the amount of space you have on your phone so you can back it up. Any other space you want you can pay for.

I prefer Taco Time. Although I miss living in Montana because Taco Johns is the greatest taco place in the US. You can get a 6 pack and a pound there... 6 tacos and a pound of tots!

It's more a question on the reason behind not supporting the latest OS. If the current collection of WP7 handsets can't support Win 8 then that's one thing. If they can and are chosen not to be given the upgrade to Win 8 that's a whole different story. The iPhone 3G is capable of running iOS5 (as you can do with a

That's okay, I'll just keep using my iPhone 3G running iOS 5... oh wait...

My old Focus didn't have it, I think it's only native on a couple handsets. There are some apps that do it though.

Oh, your house is made of wood and bricks? Well mine is made out of an asteroid. Suck on that!

It's pretty sweet. The only issues I have it is #1 it's kind of slow when it snaps the picture and #2 when you are in panorama mode it scales down the resolution. I haven't played with all the settings so maybe I'm missing something, but so far I'm satisfied!

I went to an AT&T store to get one and they were all out. They said I could just order one with them and it would be shipped to my house in 2 days. Who can't wait 2 days? Oh, yeah... that was me. So I got a Titan 2... which I am very pleased with so far!

This is especially relevant this week:

Facebook has over 800 million users. You honestly think they'd pay a billion dollars for 30 million more? Yeah right.

That domain is registered to some guy in Spain. You sure it's not just a fan site? I mean it does say "Official" and all... and I usually trust everything on the internet... buuuuuut...

Looks like this guy won't be spreading any sheets with anybody anytime soon.