That Google Music line is misleading. It's 33 albums for $3 each... not 33 albums for $3.
That Google Music line is misleading. It's 33 albums for $3 each... not 33 albums for $3.
"I think there are some great stories that can be told about that character that haven't even been thought of yet."
It has SkyDrive integration, but I don't think they've upped the limit yet.
Well if you are just synching pictures, music, documents that's not too bad. Plus they are raising it to 2gb for Windows 8 anyways.
Oh hai Google it's me SkyDrive. Why you bein' so cheap? I give my friends 25gb for free. C'mon dude.
Are you the conductor of a steam train?
Bana, Norton, Ruffalo, apparently the Hulk is the Jack Ryan of the Marvel Universe.
There is nothing not awesome about this movie.
Between Lifetime and the Hallmark Channel I swear Golden Girls is on at least 23 hours a day.
I don't think Kaylee, Doc, or River are doing anything right now. They can go on wacky adventures! Although knowing our luck it'd be some prequel that stars Shepherd... BOOOO!
Rocket! I'm taking a Rocket! I'm packing my suitcase, and look out moooooooooon! Yeah a Rocket, into outer space, goodbye human race, I'll be there soooooon!
I never knew what parkour meant (or that it was even a word) until I played MW3. Now I see it everywhere! Hizzah for learning!
Sounds like he had a little too much Captain in him.
Did the unit of measurement come from the phrase, "dole out pain"?
But how could they forgot to program them on how to use the 3 shells?
blah blah blah dentist blah blah blah cancer
I played with this and the Lumia 900 in the AT&T store today. Funnily enough they are both pretty much the same size. Really the only thing the Lumia has going for it is the look (if you get cyan, black is so bleaagh).
Every time I see him on Mad Men I always think to myself, "F you Connor you douche! Holtz wasn't your real dad!!!"
In space, no one can hear you barf.