It was just a 3 inch circle with a few divots in the middle that I could put some magnets in. Nothing terribly complex but it was $70.
It was just a 3 inch circle with a few divots in the middle that I could put some magnets in. Nothing terribly complex but it was $70.
I used Materialise to get something printed a couple months ago. It was pretty cool but very expensive for such a small thing I wanted printed.
I'm pretty sure they all signed a contract for like a million Avengers movies.
I was disappointed Clippy didn't show up in the Microsoft one.
Gizmo Duck was where it's at!
He looks like a young Alec Baldwin.
Why are they always remaking the classics?
Poor Chris Klein... although I have to admit I kinda liked that movie he was in with Heather Graham where he was tricked in to thinking she was his sister. That was 10 years ago though, so I can only assume I was an idiot back then.
What I want to know is what company made this boat? I mean it survived a Tsunami, traveled unmanned across the Pacific, and didn't even sink. Why do we always hear about these fishing boats, ferries, etc sinking. Make your boats like this one!!!
How many would it take to blow up the entire planet Alderaan style?
Let me tell you about the Jackson/Flynn Paradox...
I'm with you, I thought it was great. Plus my wife even watched it with me AND liked it... and she only watches things like CSI and NCIS.
Well of course it wouldn't be sufficient. But then they could use the, "we're working on it" defense in court ;)
Why don't they just hire one guy, pay him $10 an hour to sit and watch every video on youtube to check for copyrighted material? Then in the lawsuit they can just say, "we have staff actively working on sifting out copyrighted material, but it takes a while."
Got Serious Sam 1, 2, and 3 for $20... not a bad deal Amazon, not a bad deal.
That's the problem with all new energy ideas, they are all too expensive.
You can't stop a Frenchman from being a dick... so they didn't even bother trying.
One giant super reactor right in the middle of the country!!! There's nothing there right now anyway.
Well we have 5 times the population... so we should have at least 5 times as many reactors.