Does Kickstarter have a max amount of money you can ask for? I was thinking of starting a 80 billion dollar project to go to Mars. Seems doable.
Does Kickstarter have a max amount of money you can ask for? I was thinking of starting a 80 billion dollar project to go to Mars. Seems doable.
The controlled nuclear fusion reaction that will create a small star is to be conducted on December 21st 2012.
I live in Seattle... but this is in Olympia... gross, you couldn't pay me to drive down there. Plus I think my Home Owners Association would complain after I mounted this to the roof of my house.
I hope it's by Nibiru. If the world is going to end I think having a planet crash in to ours would be the best way... that or zombies.
Somebody get Roy Scheider and Jonathan Brandis on the phone... oh wait :(
So many types of ED! Is that why they call it Low T in guys now? In case they had both it would've been ED squared or something, how confusing!
Let's see... I get very little sleep, work sucks, and I hardly have time to see any friends... shit.
Fhew, here I thought I wouldn't have a good reason to drink tonight.
I'm sorry, you said shitty geology movie sub-bracket but you accidentally listed 4 awesome movies. You must be confused.
Honesty. Pass it on.
I've been off the Skyrim for 1 month now. I'm not getting hooked back on it until they have some new DLC.
Buried under every major prison in the United States is a nuclear bomb that will be detonated in the wake of a major disaster.
64 movies enter, 1 movie leaves... 64 movies enter, 1 movie leaves...
Is this the prelude to Fallout: New Washington DC? Bethesda, always with the ARG!
Ding ding ding!!!!
Damn you, I actually kind of like this movie... and I'm not sure why.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. is a Chicago-based company? I always thought I was getting my information from yee old Britain. I feel cheated.
The college I went to had a cafe called Avogadro's Number... they made the best sandwiches.
The Alien Invasion one is the only one meant as a joke. The rest are actually informative of what to do in the face of disasters.
I've been switching back and forth between an iPhone 4 and a Samsung Focus and I gotta say, the Windows Phone is growing on me. 4 and 1/2 years of the same iPhone UI has gotten pretty boring.