It's not asking them to add a features, it's asking them to not disable a feature they already built in to the OS.
It's not asking them to add a features, it's asking them to not disable a feature they already built in to the OS.
Siri should be on everything. Why can't it be on my iPhone 4, or my iPad 1? It will run on those just fine. And who is Apple to say that I don't need Siri on a new iPad 3? They don't know what I'm doing with it.
Mars Attacks! was an awesome movie. And I'm probably the only person in the world who enjoyed Red Planet.
It's the Shrek curse. Him and Mike Myers got it real bad.
Oh yes, don't forget to add 10 cents for manufacturing.
I saw these guys in concert about 8 years ago... they were awesome!
I'm with you, I never tire of reading the description. Just sounds awesome!
This actually just uploads the video to the West Virginia PD YouTube page. I'd imagine they hope to find a viral hit to increase their ad revenues.
I thought this was the final movie in the Get Carter, Coach Carter trilogy?
Hell yeah, this has been sitting on my DVR for months. Time to delete, glad I didn't waste my time!
Damn, Shailene Woodley sure has gone down hill since The Descendants.
So is that show Blue Bloods on TV about some sort of Alien race that actually does have blue blood? And here I thought it was a stupid cop show!
If it was a giant cube corn maze I might be interested.
Your argument for hating Facebook is contests? Seriously? Allow me to escort you to the door.
Tae kwon doh shit a nuclear bomb went off.
How could you fit those wings in the trunk?
Nothing will ever compare to playing S.T.U.N. Runner on the Atari Lynx.
Because you can get them anywhere for free these days.
Poor Cirulnick, that script sounded bad ass (hijacked cruise ship, ballooning sun, blowing up Mars!!). I would've much rather watched that than Terminator 3. F U Schwarzenegger!