Solar panel on the roof. ABC: Always Be Chargin'! Where can I collect my check Tesla?
Solar panel on the roof. ABC: Always Be Chargin'! Where can I collect my check Tesla?
I believe you meant, "We're hoping for a love triangle between Spock, Uhura, and future old man Spock."
Ha, I always see that in the Skymall magazine and I vow to look up a video on youtube when the plane lands to see what the hell it actually does. Thanks for the reminder!
Exactly, as bob pointed out it was Zediva. Seemed like a good idea.
Didn't someone do something like this a couple years ago but for movies? Basically when you order a movie online you are ordering a physical dvd player and a rented copy of the movie and it streams to you. I believe it got shut down.
Good thing I'm lazy and hardly fill out any contact information.
That's exactly what I was thinking. I think that's the longest I've ever waited for the shortest ride ever.
Dinobots VS Insecticons! Give the people what they want Michael!
Arab Swordsman shot first!!!!
Actually there are only 10 hydroacoustic stations left in the world. Mikhail blew up the 11th.
That's very post modern of them to use an Asian (or some sort of Mexican?) as Captain America.
Maybe you'll be in one of those commercials in 100 years. "My great great grandfather went to school with Keira Knightly. I mean who forgot to mention that."
So they used the CGI of The Thing in FF? Just changed the color and added a tail!
Some weekends my wife and I like to swap one hour on one hour off. That's a good 6 hours of free time in a single day!
Dear Hollywood,
Do you think if I read these to my 9 month old son he'll let me sleep more?
Sure the stylus for the Samsung commercial was dumb. But the commercial itself was actually pretty great. I don't care what you're selling, but if you have a guitar fall from the heavens and a guy break out in to The Darkness you win in my book.
iPaid less than you because I bought it in China.
Why don't they send someone down there? Ice slide!!!