Oh for the love of pete, don't make a Short Circuit reboot! But if you absolutely must at least have the decency to bring Fisher Stevens back.
Oh for the love of pete, don't make a Short Circuit reboot! But if you absolutely must at least have the decency to bring Fisher Stevens back.
I miss Jericho :(
Hey what's this button do? Oh it fires a giant missile that blows up the god damn droid space station! Well whoopidy doo, day saved, no skill required.
Titan AE was one of the best movies ever! Okay maybe not best, but it was still good. I'm guessing the AE = After Earth as per usual.
Wait, so is it Lock-Out or MS One: Maximum Security?
Only if Christian Bale is the villain... oh wait, I've already seen that movie.
Don't forget the whaling industry!
He didn't die, he got out somehow... I read it in a book somewhere.
There are only two things things a Starship Troopers reboot should keep from the original. NPH and Dina Meyers boobs.
Ha I never thought of resurrecting Cicero after killing him. That would've been pretty funny.
You had me until "Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li."
All hail the Evergreen State!
Will it run Windows 8? I kid, I love my iPad... can't wait for the 3 to come out so I can ditch this 1.
Was that Lennie James I saw? And Maggie Grace? Well count me in... although you had me at Guy Pearce.
I hope they bring back Lex and the kid from Radio Flyer for Jurassic Park 4!
No need, you can just convert it in post! [www.imax.com]
Dear George Lucas and Rick McCallum,
Oh how I long for the glory days of LucasArts games.
But then all the other meanies attacked him and blew his lead... now he's getting revenge.
I just want them to let you remarry! My wife was killed somehow... I think it was when I shot her in the back with an arrow. I was misinformed that a courier would come in a few days giving me money and permission to remarry. Also a GPS on your follower would be nice. I haven't seen Lydia in about 30 days.