
Oh man, I loved Space Above and Beyond so much when I was a kid. Even thinking about that last episode today makes me angry. How can you end a show like that? WTF Happened to them all!?!?!?!

Star Wars: Underworld: Rise of Lycan

Sounds better than the 50€ mock concentration camp I signed up for in Germany.

Dang, no new Hawaii Five-0 this week? But I want to know why Locke is being so secretive!!!

I prefer to keep a fully charged, turned-off Sidekick in the trunk of my car.

Sophistical Refutations is a lot like this bucket of chicken; you have some wings, some legs, some thighs. But all that really matters is that each is coated in the same special blend of 11 herbs and spices.

I'm concerned about her swinging around the chainsaw. She's going to need to do some push ups.

Actually, the Mage in Riften tells you exactly where to find her items if you select those questions. It just doesn't add that text to the journal. You will find if you exhaust the dialogue of the person giving you the quest they always tell you where to go.

He raised his son for him!!!!

I prefer single player games, so what's wrong with that? I wouldn't have had such a problem with it if the single player was longer than 6 hours.

Portal 2 single player was great. But the other half of the game forced you to play multiplayer... and forcing anybody to do anything to get full value of a game is just terrible.

I was hoping they'd turn Kate Beckinsale in to that hands as feet chick from Aeon Flux.

Well that's no fun.

So Cruithne seems to cross the path of Earth's orbit quite often... any chance they'll ever collide?

What no Wango? No really, are they switching to Greek Gods? Or NASA missions?

Can we just put a giant one in a satellite already?

Klaatu Barada N... Necktie... Neckturn... Nickel... It's an N word, it's definitely an N word!

Yes, but I can't see out of this damn helmet.

Man, I thought NATO was supposed to protect us?

Don't worry kids, as long as we keep filming he won't be able to make any more Librarian movies.