Ha, nice. I was going to go The Postman route as well, beat me to it!
Ha, nice. I was going to go The Postman route as well, beat me to it!
When I'm driving on the freeway and some jerk tries to pass me at 90 I love to swerve in to their lane and yell, "YOU SHALL NOT PASS".
Isn't Sawyer in this? Or does he take on the role of Emilio Estevez from number 1?
I think it's obvious. Leave the switch in the original position and then shoot the other guy. That's the easiest way to get all 6 of them... what was the question again?
Fortune and glory kid! I love Temple of Doom, I never understood why it got so much hate.
Hey Steven, you forgot about the Sankara Stones in Temple of Dooooom!!!
What? Has nobody seen "Yellow Snow" starring Lucy Lui. It left a bad taste in my mouth.
10^23 is Avogadro's number... and Avogadro sounds like avocado... and... is it lunch time yet?
The only thing that really matters is your Gamerscore.
I was hoping Killer Pizza would be about... a Killer Pizza... ala Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.
Now that's a quest I can get behind. HIYOOO!
An evil force has stolen/kidnapped/killed our _______. You must travel to ______ and retrieve/rescue/avenge our tribe.
You look just like I feel.
Well now ya'll made it so the next time there is an on-disk DLC they are going to just shove a 1GB text file onto the download so nobody will notice.
Naked Gun 2 1/2
Wow 1/5th of the top 20 is Call of Duty. Now will someone jump on and help me get my Prey online achievements.
The video was pretty horrible. Although it did have Michael Ironside and Billy Idol doing voices... which was it's only redeeming quality.
Did anybody else play HM: FAKK 2? I used to love that game!
Oh snap, I forgot Lori might be pregnant. I shoulda re-watched season 1 before starting season 2.