I love me some Falling Skies, but the CG is always terrible. They totally should've gone with these concepts, the mechs here are way more badass.
I love me some Falling Skies, but the CG is always terrible. They totally should've gone with these concepts, the mechs here are way more badass.
God I hated Heroes for taking away Peters powers and never giving them back.
For everyone feeling ripped off...
Looks like the kids in #6 are dressing up as Splicers.
Is Person of Interest worth watching? I have all the episodes in my DVR but haven't started yet...
Didn't Futurama already do Moby Dick in space?
Always loved this one. Those poor Russians.
Wait the ads were telling me that, "The last 15 minutes will mess you up for life." Are you telling me this is not the case?
Damn, they'll hand out BSG remakes to anyone... as long as their name isn't Richard Hatch! Ziiiiiing!
Was BF3 directed by JJ Abrams? What's with all the lens flares?
Some working titles:
How come Cap never wears his helmet? Is he jealous of Chris Hemsworths hair and wants to show off his own?
I still have my "It's a great day for spitting" shirt that came with Monkey Island 2.
Haha that was the best (and worst) achievement ever.
I got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things right now... Jack and Shit... and Jack left town.
Somebody finally found the Rainbow Connection!
Now find me a comet filled with Scotch and we've got ourselves a party!
How do I type IDKFA on my XBox?