I always thought they'd call it the YBOY.
I always thought they'd call it the YBOY.
I don't think it can beat a girl getting raped by trees!
Speaking of Terry O'Quinn he was great in Hawaii Five-0 on Monday. Locke and Jin back together again!
There you go! Now that'd be some good writing!
They need to change the beginning of Episode 4 where the two guys at the laser don't shoot the escape pod. There is no way they wouldn'tve shot it and it's escaping is the basis for the whole original trilogy.
That Space Adventure capsule looks crazy. Do they just strap you and a buddy in to a rocket and blast you in to space? Or is the other guy some sort of pilot? That'd be pretty sweet if it was all automated.
David Caruso would make a great Riddler.
I couldn't stop cracking up in Colorama when everything/everyone was bouncing up and down constantly. Hilarious!
So it's like Rescue 911 with ghost stories and no Shatner?
I believe their creation of Dinoshark and Dinocroc make up for everything on this list.
I hear he also digitally replaced Hayden Christensen at the end of ROTJ with Jake Lloyd.
The original Clue movie was one of the greatest movies ever made.
Bad news for Harvey Dent.
I've played Vodka Bomberman numerous times. Very enjoyable. Although once you start losing, chancing of you not being to drunk to win are very slim.
I was at Valve yesterday doing a playtest for them. Saw these guys in the office with their signs... couldn't really tell what was going on but I thought they worked for Valve... probably some sort of marketing campaign.
Somebody find me a Robbin Williams movie in the 90's that wasn't terrible*
She is way out of his league.
The last minute of that video was epic.
Screw a Short Circuit remake, let's get Short Circuit 3 going. I'm sure Fisher Stevens (aka The Plauge!) is available. We can even bring back Captain Harris!
Why ya gotta bring up them killing Hicks off :'(