
You do realize that Snyder has had a habit of including rape in his films? Watchmen, Sucker Punch, 300, and his next planned movie Fountainhead either have a rape or an attempted rape. Hell there’s not even a rape scene in the original 300 story, Snyder added that. You are an idiot if you’re this desperate to defend

Funny, “perpetual suburbia” (though British, not American) is basically C.S. Lewis’ allegorical Hell in The Great Divorce.

When we bought our house 7 years ago... I found some “nude - life” magazines, some army men, patches and pictures of a young boy from the early 60s in the basement wall.....

The heck does Preacher have to do with Gotham’s premier?

Hands down one of the best moments of season one. Dammit I’m gonna miss Cats wit.

To be fair, we already got kind of a preview of Supergirl on the CW

What? You don’t want to see Nic Cage as Norman Osborn? I think that would be awesome!

please be Norman Osborn, please be Norman Osborn, please be Norman Osborn ...

Considering how the Nic Cage Ghost Rider movies were received (not well), that’s probably a good thing. It also means Nic Cage is free to be a different Marvel character.

uhhhh the one thing I needed to know was “why?” and I don’t see that answer anywhere soooooooooo

Well I mean there’s the long-standing rumor in both the books and the show that (spoiler warning I guess oh wait we’re on the spoilers article for the day so I can say anything)

Cersei has what ground troops, exactly? She just lost Highgarden’s support, which is now against her in Daenarys’ coalition of the largest army the world has ever seen. She has a couple hundred goldcloaks, whatever is left of the Lannister forces, which can’t be that much, and less than a dozen kingsguard, plus one

The reason it’s super obvious isn’t because it makes sense narratively, but because it’s the dumbed down thing to do. Euron and Cersei are the bad guys, so of course they team up.

Also, now seems like as good a time as ever to bring up the fact the show Euron isn’t actually a bad guy. Lets recap what actually happened

I’m actually really curious as to how the whole Stark/Targaryen dynamic is going to play out, particularly now that Bran/the audience knows Jon IS a Targaryen.

It’s also how GRRM wrote it. Basically if it involved more than lets say 10 people, outside black water. It was talked about after the fight by the survivors. The telporting complaints are getting tiring. Some people seem to be expecting some set time per minute or per episode or per week. Hate to break it to them it