
Yep. Fuck this guy. “Cops shouldn’t peddle grue” is bare-minimum shit.

Holy FUCK no. Like...NO.

♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Got to get you honkeys to stop singing my songs/
Got to get you honkeys to stop singing my songs/
Ooo! ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
(sung to the tune of Got To Get You Into My Life)



I like the cut of your jib!

The Six Million Dollar Man wasn’t at all serious. He fought Bigfoot, for crying out loud.

It’s a little known fact that canonically astronaut Steve Austin went back into space again and his ship got lost. Eventually he landed on another planet and became the first Borg.

Yeah Stargirl’s costume is the most era appropriate, but I do love all the costumes. Legends is total costume porn this season at least this episode and I love it.

Meanwhile, flashing back to 2012

Now that’s one movie that I didn’t think would be relevant in 2016, but here we are.

Maybe he makes his way back to earth, with some friends...

have you ever read his book Electronic Life?

yah was there a reason Kevin Costner just decided aww fuck it, Ill just talk like an american from the 90s?

That was Majel Barret?! I thought she looked familiar, but couldn’t place her.

I think that’s what I liked about the Dredd movie more than most of the comic book movies out lately. No origin, no unnecessary explanation of how the characters got there, no civilization building. Just a story, and go to it.

I remember Yul Brynner totally nailing the role of the tireless, implacable, android gunslinger.

Unlike others *turns and looks at camera* he can speak with an English accent.