Mt. Gox. I just can't see myself buying serious money from a site named after "Magic: The Gathering Online Exchange."
I was able to do an OTA update without resetting the device. I did make sure to backup everything on iTunes 10.5beta4 first though.
I only noticed last week that they still had the Christmas star up. Glad to see it in the picture too.
Wow. I wish they made this when the movie first came out. Talk about uber-geek!
Even on my desktop, I've had exactly one use for my ODD - to install Office after a format. OK, Starbucks sent me a free CD with some music during the holidays, I listened to that as well.
Apple has indeed gotten several iterations of Intel processors well before other vendors ever since they made the switch from PPC; it's part of their agreement with Intel.
Yep, I got my 13" for about the same price with Apple's employee retail special. I didn't need a fast processor, I needed a light, portable system that excels for travel. Plus, the SSD makes up for the CPU by leaps and bounds, most programs start 3-4x faster on the C2D Air than on my quad-core i7 desktop.
The email and tweet don't really give the whole story. Why was Microsoft/Apple bidding for it? Why did Google decline to join? It could very well be that the bidders intended on using the newly acquired patents to target other smartphone makers, and Google, who works with a large number of such manufacturers due to…
There were two portfolios being bid on - Nortel and Novell. It's in Google's blog.
I'll take two please.
Also, you have to be careful about attributing land-based characteristics to other environments. What look like "impact tracks" from Superman's baby carriage underwater are likely just sand shifting with the current as it flows around the object. If it was a chunk of granite hurled by a volcano or columnar basalt…
*cough*that'stheone! [] *cough*
*cough*it's for china*cough*
I have several friends who use the GoPro (with EyeOfMine flat port) for diving. While the GoPro comes with some fantastic mounting options, head-mounting seems to be a bit difficult, unless you dive with a helmet. Most of my buddies have fashioned trays that also take small intova wide angle lights that serve as video…
"Confronted him, he was like i use it to spy on my female friend he has the hots for but they are purely friends but he wants more out of it basically."
When it comes to underwater housings, you're LUCKY if the housing only costs as much as the camera. Many cost $4-5k, and unlike above-water photography, you NEED strobes underwater, and decent ones will add another $2-3k to the price.
The problem is, the underwater functionality is moot, at least in stock form. The curved lens of the GoPro HD makes it so that anything shot underwater will be blurry without a corrective optic (EyeOfMine, Sartek, etc.), which all add $80-200 to the price. Some people are OK with the out of focus shots (if it's only…
No Cat Should Be Trusted.