El Guano

They don't necessarily need to use integrated graphics. The last couple of generations of the MBA have had Nvidia graphics chips. I'm kinda bummed at the integrated gfx in the latest rev of the MBA, but I figure they needed to do that to keep the battery life on par with the 5-7hrs of the last generation.

Ahhhh....I was wondering how a literate person can get "Louise" from "lulz."

10.7 confirmed, but any news on the supposed MBA refresh?

"While modern supercomputers such as IBM's Watson have the power to process voice commands with uncanny accuracy..."

Yep, I've seen two default behaviors: first and most common, "yes to everything." No security app is gonna be able to protect you from that. The second, and more amusing, is the "I don't want to read it, I'll ignore it" mentality. Typically leads to "random crashes" which are always Windows doing its annoying

99% of these users can't be bothered to read a modal dialogue box that pops up in the middle of their 20" monitor. You think they're going to notice a tiny label in the top corner of their phones?

I know you're just joshing, but the toggles have been updated since beta 1.

That's amazing. If it gets stuck in the ice, it just has to sit there and idle for a few days until its internal heat supply melts a path through.

Wow. Neophyte trolls, take notes. This is how you get started.

It's funny to see this written out in such detail, but I think all of us have had this running conversation with ourselves at some point or another.

A nicely done render, but to me this looks more like Sony Ericsson industrial design than Apple.

Seems like most upload-from-computer updates contain the entire OS package and require a full rewrite. Perhaps with OTA updates, Apple is going to start issuing updates as patches.

Well, don't keep us hanging. So rude.

Wow, really? Aluminum hulls and galvanic corrosion is such a pedestrian issue for shipbuilders, I'm surprised this is such the issue/surprise each party makes it out to be. So once the hull is repaired, the "fix" is as simple as sandblasting off a few layers of paint, and bolt on a sacrificial zinc anode?

Yep, and with over 12,000 cores in the available farm, it's reasonable to assume you could simultaneously render at least one order of magnitude more than 170.

Didn't Lucasfilm send a cease and desist against Wicked because one of their lasers looked too much like a light saber? They only dropped the issue after Wicked put up some "not affiliated" disclaimers on their site. Now Wicked is actually creating a "Sith" series laser that not only looks and acts just like Darth

I first read it as "New Look Announcement Nears" and thought, Whoa is Gizmodo changing its layout again??

The heart gets its power from energy created by food. The pacemaker merely sends the signal to tell the heart to use that energy to pump. It's the same way that turning a key in the ignition doesn't power the engine in your car, it just tells the contraption to start using its energy (battery power and gas) to start

You've already gone a few steps further than I've cared to by reading the actual patent. But do note that the part you should really pay attention to are the Claims, and the claim construction, in the patent, which describe the detailed mechanism of the patent and would likely be at the heart of any legal dispute. The