El Guano

A lot of the questions in the IBM Challenge were straight-forward, making it a cinch for any computer, let alone Watson to solve (e.g., "The bridge in this city is nicknamed 'The dead man's bridge."). One of the cues programmed in Watson is that the word/s following the word "this" in a prompt tends to be the subject

Dude is dedicated to his art, I'll give him that. The possibility that he's also batshit-insane probably makes him just as dangerous in a dark alley.

But, nobody said a Verizon iPhone has to be released on the same summer schedule as an AT&T phone. iPhone launches are so demanding (from parts sourcing/manufacturing to retail to carrier bandwidth) that it's not out of the question for them to release a first rev on AT&T in July, and follow-up to Verizon in Jan/Feb.

Hmm. Must have been dropped off by a ship. Most recreational scooters are slow (~1-2mph) and have batteries that last maybe 45 min. Tech scooters can run almost 3mph with a 5mi+ range, but those are $5k+. It doesn't sound like they could have crossed any significant body of water on this trip.

@stratocaster28: It describes the phenomenon of unwittingly publicizing an event well above the attention it would naturally receive, by the notoriety gained when you try to suppress it.

This video is just a funny clip. NBC's response is really, really sad. Guess they're going to learn first-hand what the Streisand Effect is all about.

It's always been ridiculous that I get charged for texts RECEIVED, particularly unsolicited ones. Especially since there is no way for me to selectively approve who I want to receive texts from.

@Ari Schwartz: You just reminded me. I actually held and shot a large semi-auto at a shooting range in a faux-Disneyland theme park in Korea about 3 years ago (Lotte World in Seoul). The environment was surreal—toddlers, cotton candy, amusement rides, Mickey Mouse suits...and guns. The shooting range is fun. Having

@Bangarang: I live in California, and I suspect CA has more in common with Canada than just the abbreviation. I think the first time I've ever seen (or held) a handgun was also when I was 23. And frankly, I haven't seen one since.

The interface is a bit more streamlined from beta, but it is still HUGE. This is an IM app, I want a small contact list, not a huge browser-sized big-window-app that I can't effectively minimize. They triaged it a bit, but IMO it's still unusable and still horrible. Why does Skype think I want a contacts list that

First thing I did after downloading this? Type out:

@Nitesh!: Exactly. In 3-4 years time, I very much doubt a $325 premium will be realistic.

@Robert Anhalt: I wasn't thinking about a magsafe license. I thought it was an issue where Apple threatened to revoke Hypermac's "made for iPhone/iPod" license for everything else because of the magsafe thing. But maybe I'm thinking of something else.

@orev: I thought Apple asked them to stop selling the magsafe version, lest they pull Hypermac's license-status (i.e., it wasn't a cease-and-desist based on patent infringement claim). Maybe I'm thinking of something completely different.

Seems like a really convoluted setup for what should be a straightforward product. I wish some non-licensed manufacturer would just churn out generic magsafe-to-dc-plugs so we can avoid all these shenanigans in the first place.

@AimAtTheFace: You often don't have to even modify it. Just find a flathead that already fits. I hear ya re. it being a dick move on Apple's part, I'm just making the point that you're not locked out, as in a true lock. It's as easy to bypass as finding a fitting flathead, and if you really want to be in, you're in.

Didn't people figure out on the MBAs that the same pentalobe screws could be opened with a standard flathead? Just file one down until it fits across two cross-lobes.

"George Lucas Doesn't Think the World Will End in 2012, But is Resuscitating Elvis For Indy 5"